7: He Deserves It

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Xephos opened his mouth but the words died in his throat. "Xeph? What's wrong?" The confused ginger man stepped into the doorway and Xeph took an equal step back.

"St- stay back!" He said, his voice quaking as his backed into his small living room. Ridge stared at him in confusion.

"P-Please Ridge don't-" There were tears in his eyes by now as Xeph backed up in fear.

"Xephos I'm not going to hurt you, what's going on?" Ridge stepped forward, eyes shining with concern. Xeph backed up against the wall of his living room, tears streaming down his face as he shielded himself with shaking hands. He slid down the wall, sobbing.

"Xephy!" He exclaimed, quickly running to the dark haired man's side as he tried to comfort him. Xeph only sobbed harder and shied away from the ginger.

"D-Don't touch me!" He cried. Ridge backed up a bit, eyes shining with hurt but it was obvious he wanted to do something.

"Xephos what are you talking about?" He asked quickly.

"Y-Your g-going to k-kill me!" Xeph sobbed. Ridge's eyes widened in realization before they clouded over with fear and fury.

"HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW THAT??!!" He shouted, seeming to forget the fact that Xeph was sobbing on the floor.

"I COVERED THE TRACKS, PAID THE POLICE, MADE DEALS I PROBABLY SHOULDN'T HAVE AND YOU STILL MANAGED TO FIGURE IT OUT??!! Oh my god I'm going to be arrested, I'm going to jail, oh dear lord... WHO TOLD YOU THAT!!??" Ridge turned back to Xeph who only whimpered.

Ridge continued to shout at random objects throughout the apartment as Xeph sat there shivering.

"Ridge.... If your going to kill me, get it over with please..." The man whispered, hands clasped around his knees. Ridge turned to stare at him, stopping his frantic, thoughtful pacing.


"Stop playing games with me! Get it over with because I can't stand you shouting at me.." Xephos began to cry silently, tears pooling up in those beautiful blue orbs.

"Oh no no, Xephy no..." He whispered as he stepped toward him. Xephos closed his eyes, tensing as he expected a knife or poison or something. What he didn't expect was a warm embrace pulling him towards the other. His eyes opened slowly, looking up in confusion as Ridge buried his nose in the other's hair.


"I love you Xephy. Your not going to die by my hand, it's alright. Please believe me, I'd never kill you." Ridge sniffed and met Xeph's gaze, staring at him hopefully.

Xeph swallowed, meeting the other's golden brown eyes, "But..." He trailed off, at a loss for what he was intending to say.

"Xeph, I want to stay with you forever." He glanced aside, looking for the right words, "I... I've done... Bad things to stay alive... I... Yes, I've killed but I had to stay with Bebop!" He clutched Xeph's hands, trying to show how earnest he was, "But then I fell in love with the most beautiful man. A man so beautiful he could be from another planet!"

"Ridge-" Xeph mumbled, his face flushed. Ridge pressed a finger to his lips to silence him.

"And I realized that I couldn't kill such a perfect man, such a beautiful person." He bites his bottom lip, uncharacteristically nervous, "So, if you'll have me, I'd like to stay with you."

Xephos burst into tears again, throwing his arms around the other.

"Oh Ridge I-I d-don't know what to say-"

"Then don't say anything." Ridge smiled and pressed his lips to the smaller man's.

"He really deserves it though, you get me?" The bearded man lifted up another box, following Lomadia inside.

"What do you mean?" She asked him, placing down the lamp she was carrying. Honeydew huffed and set the box down.

"The bugger deserves this. Like, all this." He gestured the expanse of the house before them. Lomadia snorted.

"I think the package is a bit more than just the house Dew, but ya. I know what you mean." She smiled at the happy couple outside.

"At least he can stop going on about astrology conferences now and actually go to them." Dew chuckled.

Lom grinned. "Guess fast food just wasn't good enough for Mr. Lovebird!"

The two laughed and headed outside to be faced with the drivers Ross and Smith, looking rather impatient.

"Well? We gunna be paid for this haul or what?" Smith gestured the now empty moving van parked outside. Lom blinked.

"Excuse me? This was supposed to be a favor you assholes!"

"Aw c'mon Lom, you should know our rules by now!" Smith grinned, crossing his arms.

"Ya! We're broke mate!" Ross chimed in.

"Why you little-" "Calm down Lomadia, I got it." Ride chuckled, walking up towards the frustrated woman. He quickly riffled threw the leather wallet he always carried around and produced £130.

"There you go!" The men inspected the money incredulously.

"That's all? Seriously mate, your rolling in the stuff be little more generous why don't you!" That was the last straw for Lomadia.

"Fuck off you gits!" She yelled in exasperation. The two laughed and retreated back to their van.

"No need to be so feisty!" Smith called as the truck sped away. Lomadia sighed.

"Those two, never can trust em. No wonder they're broke."

Author's Note:

Ava- Well wasn't that fun! Try and guess which story comes next *wink wink nudge nudge* Also, different currencies are complicated.

Kalina- Oh shush, British money isn't that hard x3 Tanku all for reading, baii!

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