4: Bit Obsessed. Just a Bit.

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"Okay. Let me get this straight, you kissed some handsome bloke at a pub, got his number, and now you're in love?" Lomadia furrowed her brow as the blue eyed man nodded enthusiastically.

"You don't understand Lom! He's perfect!"

"You haven't even known him for 24 hours."

"Ya but, I got a good feeling about this one." Lomadia sighed and stirred at her coffee exasperatedly.

"Xeph, I think you're a bit obsessed. Just a bit."

"That's what everyone keeps saying but I'm not!" He flayed his arms to prove his point, almost knocking over his coffee in the process.

"Alright, alright fine, I'll bite. What's his name?" She took a sip of her coffee as the dark haired man grinned.

"Ridge. His name is Ridge Dog, and he's super tall and ginger and has this adorable gap between his teeth and freckles all over him and he's just absolutely fantastic."

Lom sighed. "Isn't Dog that super old family that lives in the mansion on the hill?" she questioned. He grinned and nodded. She put down her coffee in resignation.

"Look Xeph, I'm sure he's wonderful but that bloke is way out of your league. You work in Burger King, remember? You can barely afford rent!" Xeph rolled his eyes.

"I am this close to getting into that astrology conference Lom, this close."

"Ya, ya, but that doesn't change the fact this dude probably just wanted some cute little pretty boy that he could flash in front of his family like a trophy."

"Way to encourage me Lom."

"I'm just telling it like it is." She stood up and threw her empty cup into the bin as she walked towards the exit. "I got work to do, see ya later Xeph. And Toby, try a little less creamer next time." She smiled at the brunet wiping the counter. He just rolled his eyes and continued wiping. Sighing, Xeph followed suit and headed back to his crappy apartment.

"Hey Xephos." The astrologist jumped, almost dropping his keys. There he stood, the sun making him almost glow to the already smitten man.

"R- Ridge! I wasn't expecting you, I didn't even know that you knew where I lived!" The man stumbled slightly on his words in his excitement at seeing Ridge.

The taller man chuckled, "You told me last night."

Xephos tried to summon this memory but brought up nothing. With a start he suddenly realized that he should invite him in. After a moment of fumbling the key in the lock, he shoved the door open, "Come in! Sorry, uh... It's kinda a mess..."

Ridge watched with an amused smile as Xephos hurried around the apartment, shoving odd clothing items in a basket and chucking some odd wrappers in the bin. "Do you want a drink?" Xeph called from what was presumably the kitchen.

"Please." Ridge called back, making himself at home on the sofa. After a minute or two, Xephos came back into the room, holding two mugs.

"Here." he said, passing one to Ridge an then sitting himself, letting out a breath. "Sorry, I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

"No, no." Ridge smiled, "It's my fault- I couldn't keep myself away from someone as amazing as you." The astrologist's face glowed red and Ridge chuckled again, enjoying the effect he could have on the man.

"Y-You're the gorgeous one, n-not me." He stuttered, blushing furiously as he stared at his hands. Ridge laughed again "Aw, you're adorable Xeph." He took a sip from his mug. Xeph bit his lip nervously, staring down into his cup as he watched the soda fizzle.

"D-Do you maybe wanna g-go out ag-gain somet-time?" He murmured, glancing up hopefully at the ginger. Ridge grinned "Of course Xephy! Thought you'd never ask." Xephos blinked. "R-Really?" "Yes really, how about Wednesday? Is 6 alright?" Xeph grinned.

"I get out round 5 so ya, 6 is great!" "Fantastic, well um I'm meeting with a friend in a bit so, I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked hopefully, standing up. Xeph followed, still slightly entranced in those gorgeous chocolate eyes.

"Bye then Xephy." The astrologist's eyes widened as he felt Ridge's lips against his cheek. He felt like he was melting inside, a good melting.

"B-Bye Ridge.." He murmured, blushing furiously as the man walked out. Sinking onto his couch, he picked up his soda again and began to type onto his phone.

Love Struck Astrotnomist- Lom I'm definitely in love

Owl Lady- Good for you

Owl Lady- Also, did Dew change your name to that cus its an astrologist not a astrotnomist

Love Struck Astrotnomist- Oh ya, he did

Love Struck Astrologist- There, fixed it.

Owl Lady- Good, now leave me alone I have work.

Love Struck Astrologist- Wow, such a great friend. Bye then.

Xeph put down his phone and sighed. He was falling again, but hopefully this time it was real.

"Hey Ridge, I need some money." Bebop said, casually sat on Ridge's bed whilst he got ready.

"Mhmm. What for?" The tall man replied, shooting a quick glance at his best friend.

Bebop smiled excitedly, "I have this really cool idea for a new prosthetic leg! I think it'll be a lot better than this old thing." He patted his 'leg', making a slightly hollow sound.

Ridge let himself smile slightly too, sorting out his ginger curls in the mirror, "I'll look forward to seeing it. How much will you need?"

"£800." Ridge nodded, the amount not bothering the rich man in the slightest. "Thanks a bunch, Ridge."

"Pleasure's all mine, my friend."

Bebop leaned back slightly, "So, where are you off to on this fine Wednesday evening that requires you spending ten minutes on your hair?" 

Ridge shrugged slightly, acting as if it didn't matter but Bebop could see that his cheeks were tinted red, a small sign of emotion that the man would usually hide. "Just going on a date with this cute guy I met the other night."

"Aww! What's his name?" Bebop asked, assuming the role of the curious friend.

"Xephos." Ridge smiled slightly just saying it.

"Well I haven't seen you this excited about a date in years so go enjoy yourself!" Bebop grinned, glad that his friend seemed genuinely happy. Hopefully this 'Xephos' would stick around...

Author's Note:

Ava- Adorable Xephos is Adorable. That's all I got.

Kalina- Hope you enjoyed this part and the shift of characters and keep an eye out for the next installment! Baii!

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