3: You Can't Just-

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The door handle rattled for a moment before said door was pushed open. The blonde woman walked in and stopped short, her hand frozen mid closing the door. "Nilesy..? What's all this..?"

A door at the end of the hall flew open and Nilesy poked his head out, beaming with his glasses askew, "Great, you can come help us Lom!"

"Help you-? Nilesy, what are you-" She cut herself off as Panda came to stand beside Nilesy in the hallway. "Please tell me this isn't what I think it is..."

Nilesy grinned slightly sheepishly, "Panda's moving in!"

"And you didn't think to, ya know... Tell me?" Lomadia groaned, finally closing the door.

The two men exchanged looks, "I, uh, forgot?" She facepalmed, "Come on Lom, you don't mind!"

She shook her head in exasperation, "This is my house, Nilesy. I'm the one with the deed to this place. You can't just-" She gestured to the boxes.

"Pretty please?" She raised an eyebrow pointedly, "With a cherry on top?"

"Didn't you meet like, a less then a month ago?" She said pointedly.

"Ya but it'll be fiiine, Panda's staying in my room we wont bother you, please?" He gave her the puppy dog eyes again and she sighed.

"Fine, but don't come crying to me if you begin to hate each other."

"Yay thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" Nilesy squealed, bouncing up and down.

"Theres no way I'm helping though, I got shit to do mate so bugger off."

"That's fine, that's fine, we'll cook dinner tonight k?"

"You mean Panda will cook dinner, I don't trust you with any type of heated surface."

"Good point, well Panda will cook dinner."

"I didn't agree to this!" The brunet piped up.

"Well I didn't agree to you moving in so tough shit." Panda groaned but headed back into Nilesy's room in defeat.

"Well I actually have work to do so get your lazy ass back in that room and help Panda." The blonde huffed and retreated back into her room to finally get started on those emails.

"So umm, we didn't think this through did we?" Panda and Nilesy were sitting on the bed in their now very cramped room.

"No we did not." Panda sighed, staring at the bed sheets.

"Well you're not sleeping on the couch."

"Well you aren't either."

"What do we do then?" They stared at each other for a few seconds before coming to a silent agreement.

"Can we-?"

"Yes we can."

"Only if your okay with it."

"As long as you're cool."

"Okay well, let's get this over with shall we?" The 2 men stared at each other for a few seconds before resigning to their fates. They began to strip down, careful not to make the situation too awkward. Clumsily, they got into bed wearing just their under-shirts and boxers. They stared at the ceiling awkwardly, their sides brushing together every time they moved. The gentle sound of rain began to patter on the windowsill.

"So um... I hope you closed the window cus we'll get drenched otherwise." Nilesy added, glancing over at the brunet.

"Shit." The man mumbled, clambering out of bed to close the window. Nilesy yawned as Panda stretched the latch down, making sure none of the precious papers on his desk had been drenched. Satisfied, he glanced over at the bed to find Nilesy sound asleep, mouth slightly open as small noises escaped him. Panda sighed and clambered back into bed only to feel his friend cuddle closer. Panda stiffened as he felt arms being draped around him. Well what the hell am I supposed to do now?

Awkwardly, he tried to relax into it only for his head to snap back up when he heard the creak of the door.

"I called it!" The blonde whispered grinning at her roommates.

"Shut up Lomadia, I'm still awake."

"Whatever, I still called it." Panda sighed as he heard the woman chuckle as she closed the door once again. He was never gunna hear the end of this.

Lomadia stalked quietly back to her room still chuckling. Flopping into her bed, she picked up her phone and began to check her messages.

Love Struck Astrotnomist- Lomadia. Lomadia I need to talk to you.

Owl Lady- It's midnight Xeph what the hell do you want.

Love Struck Astrotnomist- Lomadia I'm falling.

Owl Lady- Try not to land on your face.

Love Struck Astrotnomist- No no I mean like in love

Owl Lady- Finally, did you find whoever you've been searching for?

Love Struck Astrotnomist- I think so Lom

Owl Lady- Good, you can stop annoying me now.

Owl Lady- Wait a second, how did you figure this out at Midnight?

Love Struck Astrotnomist- ......

Owl Lady- I swear to god if you met him at a pub

Owl Lady- Xeph, are you drunk?

Love Struck Astrotnomist- no...

Owl Lady- Goddamit Xephos I don't need to deal with this crap, call me back in the morning.

Sighing, the blonde placed her phone back on her bedside cabinet. Turning over, she began to drift into blissful sleep. She would deal with it in the morning.

Author's Note: 

Ava- Hope you guys enjoy! Also, try to guess who Xeph is talking about heeheheheh, No Kalina that wasn't an evil laugh I'm fine.

Kalina-  Um, are you sure about that Ava? x3 Thank you all for reading, we will see you next time. Baii!

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