8: Fuck Nature

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"Look at this! How the fuck are we meant to live off of this?!" 

"Hey, it's be fine. Strife's paying us this week, right?"

"I thought that was next week?"

"Nah, I swear it was this Friday."

"Either way, that's only an extra £160 each. You know it'll run out quickly..."

"...I know..."

The two men fell into contemplative silence, both too scared to fully express their monetary problems. They pulled up outside their dilapidated block of flats after a few minutes but both stayed sat in the car for a moment.

"Ross?" The ginger man asked slowly.

"Yeah?" The brunet replied, looking over at his friend and lover.

"Do you... Think we're soul mates?" He said slowly, reaching for Ross' hand.

He clutched his hand back and swallowed, "We have to be mate. And even if we're not-" He breathed out slowly, "Even if we're not, I still love you."

"Yeah. Yeah, me too."  

Ross sighed and let go of his partner's hand before opening the van door, "Come on, I'm starved."

"Well if you're so hungry you can cook then." Smith smiled slightly and opened his own door, getting out and slamming it shut.

"Aww, c'mon!" Ross walked around to the other side of van and grabbed Smith's arm with a whine, "Smiffyyyyyyy! Smiffyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

The slightly taller man chuckled and led the other to the door of the flat block, half pulling him up the stairs.

"Smiffyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Help me cook! Smiffyyyy-"

"Fine, I'll help you make the god damn food!" He cuts across, rolling his eyes as Ross let go of his arm and hugged him with a way too over the top thank you. "Are you going to let go so that I can open the door?"

"Nope." Ross mumbled and Smith groaned before struggling to pull his keys out of his pocket. Once he had he managed to get Ross to let go of him so that he could unlock the door and push it open.

Inside was messy but not as bad as it had been before (back when they had enough money to spend on take-out pizzas and fish and chips). "Check what we've got, I'll go put the money away." Smith said, his smile slipping ever so slightly.

Ross nodded and headed to their tiny kitchen, opening one of the cupboards. "D'ya want beans on toast?"

"Well we don't have much else do we?" Smith shouted back before coming to stand behind him.

"Ya, I guess your right." Ross frowned before taking out a can.

"Here, you do the beans and I'll get the toast going." He handed the ginger the beans.

"Oh, just give me all the work why don't you?" Smith huffed but he smiled all the same.

"Shut up you, the last time you made toast you nearly set the kitchen on fire!" Ross chuckled.

"True, true." The pair continued with their banter as they finished making the meagre dinner.

Once they had finished, Smith sat staring at his now empty plate while Ross scooped up the last bit of his beans.

"Smiff?" Ross asked worriedly, looking up. "Are you alright mate?"

"Ross... How long have we been together again?" He asked quietly, not looking up.

"Umm, since 13 right? So seven years, I think. Why?" Ross stared at him.

"So that's two years that we should have been aging..." Smith said quietly. "Ross... We're not soulmates..." Tears begun to fall steadily down the ginger's face as he tried to hide them.

"Smith..." Ross stood up, gently lifting the crying man out of the crappy plastic chair. He sat down on the mattress covered in sheets that functioned as their bed. The ginger curled into him, crying silently as Ross hugged him close.

"I'm not leaving okay? Fuck nature, we'll make our own path, we can do this. Just, please don't cry, we'll be alright. C'mon mate, I'm not going anywhere." The man buried his nose in the ginger curls, trying to comfort himself just as much as the other.

Smith's sobbing slowed down as he sniffed in a vain effort to control his emotions.

"See, you're doing fine... We're gunna be alright, we can do this together, okay? I love you." Ross murmured, rubbing circles into the other man's back as he cuddled closer. Smith nodded silently and pressed his head into Ross' chest.

"I love you too." He sniffed quietly.

They sat like that for a minute, gently consoling each other's fears with small touches and murmurs. 

"Can't we stay like this forever?" It was Smith who broke the silence. The dark haired man smiled softly.

"Forever and ever." He murmured.

He pulled Smith closer to him as he laid down on the mattress, resting his arms around the other's waist. The taller man curled toward him as his breathing slowed.

And ever so slowly, the lull of sleep engulfed the pair in it's gentle waves of silence.

Author's Note:

Ava- Awww I think I just died a little, cuddling scenes are my favourite <3 Hope you enjoyed, try an guess what happens next!

Kalina- Dammit Ava, the plan was to kill them, not us too! I mean... We're not trying to kill you guys. Um... Ummmm... Baii!

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