5: Let's Grab a Drink

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The two men exited the restaurant, giggling like teenagers and leaning against each other. They slowly calmed down, breathing deeply and struggling not to laugh again.

"H- How much do I owe you?" Xephos asked, regaining his composure. The taller man waved him off.


"But you paid last time!" Xeph protested, shoving his hand in his pocket to search for some cash.

The ginger man took his hand, holding it between his own, "It's fine, Xephy."

"But Ridge... It was really expensive..."

"That doesn't matter. I could buy you the world, I have enough money. And if that's what you want then that's what I'll do." He smiled down at him, lifting his hand and kissing it.

"God, I love you, Ridge." Xeph mumbled and the other man smiled, pulling him into a hug.

"I love you too, Xephy. I love you too."

"So, how many dates have you two been on exactly?" The ginger man inquired, staring up at the two. Ridge thought for a moment, arm wrapped around Xeph's shoulders.

"I think about five or six? Like, outside dates. Visits don't count." Xeph nodded and smiled up at the taller man. A shout was heard and the trio turned to look at the man walking towards them.

"Ah, Bebop! Good to see you!" Ridge exclaimed breaking off from Xeph to clap the man on the back. He grinned.

"You too man. Oh, and thanks for the loan by the way, I finally managed to finish moulding this baby!" The brunet exclaimed, lifting up his pant leg to show off the metal synthetic attached to his body. Ridge coo'd as he inspected the carefully moulded and painted piece of metal, Xephos and Honeydew standing awkwardly by the side. Ridge stood up an grinned at the two. "This is Bebop Vox, he's been my friend for ages. Bebop this is my partner, Xephos, and his friend, Honeydew."

"Good to finally meet you! I think Ridge has mentioned you a couple times..." Bebop smirked and nudged Ridge's arm. He turned slightly pink "Oh shut up."

"Well I think I'll leave you two to your date, wanna get a drink Bebop?" Honeydew motioned to a pub down the road. "I know the bartender so it should be a good deal."

Bebop grinned "That sounds great! Just finished work so I got plenty of time." Honeydew waved at the other two men and they set off.

"Your good ale Mints, I need some info." The ginger man grinned at the blonde behind the counter. She nodded and handed him the tankards.

A couple drinks later, the mechanic was giggling and swaying on the spot. Dew was still going strong, his tolerance greatly outweighing the other man's.

"So Bebop, you said you and Ridge had been mates for ages, how long exactly is that?" The short man inquired as he handed him another glass. Bebop giggled.

"Oooh ages mate! Fuckin' centuries, we go back to the medieval times!" Honeydew sat for a moment, puzzled.

"How have you both lived that long?" The shorter man mused, half talking to himself.

Bebop smiled and leaned in, gesturing for Honeydew to do the same, "Welllllll, I'm immortal but Ridge..." He grinned, "Ridge has a secret!"

"A secret?" Honeydew asked, his heart starting to hammer as worry pitted itself in his stomach.

"You can't tell aaannnyyyy one." He jabbed his chest with his index finger, "Anyone."

"Of course not." Honeydew said quickly.

"Ridge-" He giggled slightly,"-kills all his soulmates!"

The ginger man stared in shock for a moment, "He- he kills them... Bebop, how long does it take for him to kill them?"

"Ooooo, as soon as he finds out he'll start plotting!" Honeydew stood up suddenly, shoving his chair back and beelining for the door.

"I'll pay later Mints. I gotta go." He called as he left, leaving a very confused Bebop sat at the table.

Panting, the ginger quickly hailed a taxi as he tried to catch his breath. He had to warn him! Xeph could be in mortal danger even if he wasn't Ridge's soulmate! The taxi pulled up in front of him and the construction manager quickly told the driver where he was headed. The car zoomed off and before he knew it, he was panting outside of Xeph's apartment door. Hearing some noise from inside, Dew sighed. He wasn't to late. 

Pushing open the door, the ginger man stepped inside. Xeph turned to face the newcomer, grin plastered on his face."Look Xeph I need to tell-" 

"Oh my gosh, Dew you won't believe it!!" The man squealed rushing over to his friend with barely contained excitement. 

Honeydew stared at him confused. "What?"

"Oh, Dew it's wonderful, I got a grey hair!"

Author's Note:

Ava- Yes we know it's short but we didn't wanna waffle on to much, so dill with it *pun pun pun pun* Ok I'll shut up now

Kalina- Ooooo, cliff hanger! What do you guys think is gunna happen? Leave a comment, we love reading them. Til next time, baii!

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