6: Promise of a Hundred

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"A-Are you sure?" They were sitting at the table, a cup of tea resting in Xeph's hands. Honeydew nodded. "Pretty sure, hang on a sec."

Running into another room, he pulled Xeph's laptop with him. Plopping it on the table, he began to Google something. He turned the laptop to face Xeph.

"See? Verbal Processing, partner of Ridge Dog, poisoned 120 years ago and found dead in his bedroom. Culprit unknown." He turned the laptop to face him again. "Lying Bedmon, acquaintance of Ridge Dog, poisoned 32 years ago, found dead in he and his partner William Strife's living room. Culprit unknown. Oh man, the poor bloke." Honeydew looked back up at him. "Xeph, this is way to suspicious to not be him."

Slowly, the dark haired man began to cry.

"I-I thought he w-was the o-one! W-Why does l-life hate me?!" Honeydew hugged him.

"Look man, just... stay inside for a bit. I'll talk to your boss and get you out of work for a little while.." Xeph nodded and sniffed.

"Th-Thanks Honeydew I owe you one."

A couple hours later Xeph was curled up on the couch, a fresh cup of tea in his hands.

"Okay... well I have to go to work so just lie low for a bit okay? I'll call you later to check up." Xeph nodded and the ginger gave him a small smile before exiting the apartment.

Xeph sighed and began to type onto his phone.

"Hey Lom, do you have Strife's number, I need to talk to him."

"Ya, he's our sponsor of course I have his number. Why?"

"It's about soulmates."

"Oh hell no are you getting his number then! That poor man is traumatized enough as it is, you are not reminding him of that!"


"No buts, I don't want to deal with depressed Strife in any of our meetings so bugger off!"

There was a beep and the line cut off. So much for first-hand views.

"Hey Bebop look, I think I got a grey hair." Ridge stared at the mirror casually. Bebop turned to stare at him still lounging on the bed.

"Any idea who the unlucky bloke is this time?" He grinned at him.

Ridge shook his head. "Maybe that new kid at the coffee shop, I met him at the adequate time-frame." Bebop shook his head.

"You mean Toby? Nah man, there's no way he's your type." Ridge nodded thoughtfully.

"Hmm, the waiter at the restaurant me and Xeph went to on our first date kept staring at me. Maybe him? I mean, I assumed he was just some homophobic prick but-"

"What if it's Xephos." Ridge froze mid-sentence, Bebop's words flipping his stomach.

He bit his lip, "It can't be, right? I've known him for way too long..."

Bebop frowned, his brow creased with concern, "It's only been a few weeks... In fact, it would make perfect sense. Soulmates usually feel a strong bond with each other, right? I mean, usually you've avoided getting close but..."

Ridge shook his head, trying to avoid looking at the puzzle despite the pieces fitting perfectly, "Bebop... I don't want to hurt Xeph..."

The spoken to man smiled sadly at his distressed friend, his voice gentle, "Then don't." Ridge's eyes met Bebop's from his place by the mirror and he swallowed the lump in his throat, failing to form words. "Come, 'ere."

Ridge walked over and sat beside Bebop on the bed, his hands clasping in his lap. "Be- Bebop... I can't just leave you."

"You've done enough already. I'll be fine, Ridge, honestly."

"But... I promised that I wouldn't leave you."

Bebop smiled softly, "That was hundreds of years ago, I think you've stayed long enough. You've done enough."

Ridge's bottom lip wobbled and he pulled Bebop into a hug, breathing evenly for a while to stop himself crying, "I'm going to miss you." He managed eventually.

"I'll miss you too."

"D- Do you think it hurts? Dying?" Ridge whispered.

Bebop shook his head, "No, I don't think it hurts. I imagine it's like drifting off to sleep." He paused for a moment, "I hope so anyway, for the sake of my old veteran buddies."

Ridge nods slowly, breathing in deeply through his nose, "I love you, man."

Bebop smiled slightly and pulled back from the hug, "I love you too. Now, go get your astrologist. I'm sure he's waiting."

A smile ghosts over Ridge's face and he stands, walking over to the door and leaving with a half wave to Bebop.

'Thank you' He mouths after closing the door, his hand lingering for a moment on the handle before walking away.

There was a knock on the door. Tiredly Xephos went to answer it, he hadn't expect Dew to be back this soon. He opened the door.

"Hey Xephy!"

The colour drained from his face.

Author's Note:

Ava- Hope you enjoyed that amazing cliffhanger! Here's a bandaid for your feels *gives bandaid*

Kalina- Is it bad that I'm laughing slightly because of bandaid? We call them plasters here in England. Thanks for reading, baii!

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