Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
(Written by ToxicFr0g)
Ryan's POV
Jumping over the railing, I sprint past a small group of mutants as I make my way for my daily supplies. This would be so much easier if the power still worked, meaning I could preserve food but sadly the world doesn't like to work in our favour. Sprinting down the road, I pass what used to be the white house and what seems to be a security guard suspended from a lamp post, clawing at the air around him whilst trying to grab me so he can sink his teeth into my flesh. What a wonderful thought.

You would have thought that someone would have tried to end this at the beginning of the end and trust me, people did but sometimes it's better to advance your ways of living rather than staying back with the rest of the nutcases to be devoured by monsters. Entering downtown area, I look at my list of supplies that I need to get. Who would have thought you would have a shopping list when it's the end of the world basically.
So I need to get...
clothes, food, medical supplies and nails. Being next to H&M, I decide to get the clothes first- you never know when you'll need more bandages.
I should be surprised that I haven't been attacked yet by a massive group of mutants but living for 2 months in this 'new world' to put it you learn a few things quite quickly. Mutants rarely come out in the day time. My hypothesis for this is that, they are able to hunt in the dark seeing as their noses are hypersensitive and hearing is enhanced.
Ooo, look at me using big words like 'hypothesis'! I maybe an intense person on the outside but I do have a small amount of humour. Anyway, grabbing a few pieces of clothing I stuff them into my backpack and leave the building in search of other supplies that I need. Oh, and survival tip... never ever make an extremely loud noise. Even if its day, every mutant in a 10 mile radius will hear it and come running like a bunch of fan girls. Gun shots ok, but explosions or multiple car alarms going off... Not good.
Hey People! How's it going! Hope you like what me and vw2000 have written so far. I was planning on writing this chapter later but when a fan asks *cough*cough* KieraJG the fan must get... when possible :D. As you can see, I will write one chapter and vw will write the next. Hope you have fun reading mine and vw's creation.
See ya!
ToxicFr0g & vw2000

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