Chapter 4

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Ryan's POV

Suddenly, as I start climbing up the side of the building to reach some sort of safety before night falls I hear a loud smashing noise from below me, creating an echo which rings out for miles. As I look down from the ledge I am holding on to, I see a lone car parked in the middle of the road with someone's butt sticking out of the window. Either I'm losing my mind or that person has lost hers.
"Ahha", the butt states "freedom at last!" As the butt breaks the last piece of glass in the window the person falls out of the car window, followed by an upper torso, two arms, two legs and a head. Peering at the girl who has just reviled herself, I lose concentration of what I am doing and accidently let go of the ledge. Landing with a crash on some bin bags, I stare at the girl in front of me. Looking at her now, I see that she has a hammer in her hand.

"Why didn't you just use the hammer to break the glass? And why in God's name are you not wearing any trousers!" I ask. The mystery girl just stares at me with a blank expression, which is quite unnerving when she is just wearing a top and some pants. "Are you insane?!" she shouts "why would I use a hammer? They are for scratching back you idiot!" This girl has clearly lost it...

"By the way, are they your friends down their? They look really depressed. HEY! OVER HERE!" she shouts. What is she on about? I don't have any friends... Oh god, please don't do this to me! As I walk out of the alleyway and glance around the corner what I see, hand on heart, makes me pee a little bit. Hundreds of mutants gathered up in a giant pack looking for their next meal; and apparently McDonalds is down this street because they are heading straight for us.
Great. Just great.

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