Chapter 11: Warren

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Chapter 11: Warren

What did she just call me? I'm not the idiot. She's the idiot. At least I'm not the one playing chase with a gargantuan. Hang on... why am I running towards the gargantuan?
I am the idiot.

The giant beast stands a couple meters ahead of us as me and Ben skid to a halt. Looking around, there is no way to run past without being turned into soup. After a moment of hesitation, I grab Ben's arm and pull him in the direction of the two girls, who are still running but looking back momentarily. We sprint like fools back down the rubble road as the creature releases a horrendous roar- causing a layer of thick spit to rain down on top of us.
"My hair!" Ben sighs while trying to smear out some of the sludge that coats him like a helmet. After looking back down the road, I realise that the girls have vanished but we stumble forwards regardless- praying that the jagged claws of the mutant don't spear us in two.

"Turn right!" I pant and indicate that we should turn down one of the thin side streets to try and outrun the monster. Piles of rocks and rubbish slide underneath our feet as we dart down the alley, my shoulder clipping forcefully against the corner of the wall and causing a dull pain to rush up my arm. Dead end. The alley is full of overflowing bins, smashed glass and a crushed van which was clearly abandoned way before the apocalypse.
"Uh Warren..." Ben whispers, turning and backing into the alley.
My head begins to spin as I stand in a trance-like state, staring deeply into one of the van windows at my own blurred reflection.
"That's it. We're gonna die. Well it was a good run man. I mean, I never got to eat the worlds biggest burger or land a backflip but at least I got to see an apocalypse so that's pretty cool..."
"And hey, there was that one time at the pool with those two girls which I bet not many people can claim to have done. Yeah. This is all fine really. It's ok Ben. We did well..."
"Warren damn it! Come on."

Suddenly I snap back to reality and realise that Ben is pulling me through a door on the left of the alley. It's dark inside and when my eyes finally adjust, I discover that we are in an old grocery store which has been trashed and vandalised with ominous red graffiti talking about the end of the world or something. A bit inappropriate for picking up groceries if you ask me. I must be dehydrated or something because the room begins to spin and within moments I fall backwards, landing in a chair which is placed conveniently behind me. All is dark and I must be sleeping because it is a couple hours before I eventually open my eyes again.

When my eyes finally open, I realise that me and Ben, (who is snoring in the chair next to me), are not alone. The two other girls, including the obnoxious she-devil who called me an idiot, are sleeping in the far corner. For a moment everything seems peaceful and I begin to sit upright, suddenly wincing at the sharp pain coming from my shoulder. My shirt is filthy and a large area of dark, dried blood surrounds a torn part of the fabric, revealing a deep gash on the top of my shoulder. It doesn't seem very heroic surviving a zombie apocalypse and getting killed by a wall, so I decide to try and find the bathroom to patch myself up. Quietly, I shuffle across the room, being careful not to trip on the empty cans and packaging which clutters the floor in messy heaps.

After some silent sneaking, I find the bathroom and locate an old first aid kit mounted on the wall. Upon opening it, I discover that all that is inside is a singular bandage, some out of date painkillers and a packet of dry wet wipes. A weapon or a needle and threat would have been more appropriate but I guess I will have to make do. Under the light of the white, flickering mirror bulb, I take off my shirt and wipe the dry wipe over the cut, although it does very little in actually sterilising the area. Wincing as I clean the wound, I then wrap the bandage tightly under my armpit and around my shoulder, making me look stupid in the process. I am about to put my t-shirt back on when I remember the condition it was in and change my mind- I will have to get a new one in the morning.
"Oh jeez, put some clothes on will you?" I hear a voice mutter from the doorway.
When I turn I see the rude girl from earlier, staring at me with a serious expression on her face.
"Oh...yeah. I... Hi," I stumble, "Warren... yup, that's me. Sorry. Hi."
She stares once again with a disapproving look, "Ryan. There are clothes behind the counter. Use them. This is the apocalypse not Ibiza."
I nod my head and hurry out.

When did the apocalypse become so serious?
Oh wait.
Never mind.
I am the idiot.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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