Chapter 10: Ryan

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Chapter 10: Ryan

Falling nine feet to the ground is definitely not what I had in mind today as I scramble to my feet whilst a barrage of shot gun shells drop to the floor. Pain rips through my body as I stand , blurring my vision with tears, and glance down to where a large piece of metal had pierced my flesh, locking my left leg into a permanent bend. It's too difficult to move like this. Quickly I move my left hand and latch onto the metal shard before my nerves had time to deter me away from removing the blade. With one smooth tug it rips back through my skin and into the open air with a squelch.

A small red stream trickles down my leg as the crazy girl with her now empty gun places my arm over her shoulder. With the monster dazed from the quantity of bullets lodged in its head, we clumsily run away from the thing and the regathering horde as the two shadowy figures get closer and closer. Drying in the harsh sunlight, the tears that once clouded my eyes  were finally removed, allowing me to finally make out what the figures were.

Two boys, who appeared to be similar to my own age, emerge from the sunlight and into the darkness provided by the once mighty skyscrapers. The one on the left was smaller and more feeble than his taller, slightly muscular friend. His short blond hair was glued to his forehead, probably due sweat, my left eye zoomed in noticing the rapid movement of his chest as he took in each breath. Physically unfit. However the other lad seemed to be more athletic from my observation of his steady breathing however that is not why drew my attention to this boy.

His eyes. They were fixated on me.

Did he know me? I'm pretty sure I knew everyone at the lab... Maybe he has mistaken me for someone else. Nothing else mattered now as the horde began to freak out again as they scrambled into buildings and ran in opposite directions meaning one thing. One big thing. Time seemed to slow down as we passed the two boys. Hair whipped in the wind as he continued to stare. My lips parted for a moment.

"You're running the wrong bloody way you idiot!"  I shouted as we ran straight past them without looking.

Just in time too as the massive beast rounded the corner with a roar of rage.

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