Chapter One

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"Fuck you."

"Excuse me?" The amount of sass in Nicolette's mom's voice was unprecedented before. Then again, Nicolette had really pissed her off so it was understandable. Nicolette knew better than to repeat herself. She was in enough trouble as it was with just saying it once.

"I have had it up to here with your attitude, young lady." Nicolette rolled her eyes, showcasing her alleged attitude.

"Then ground me," Nicolette suggested. That was all her mother ever did when she got in trouble.

"I don't think so," her mom glared at her. "This isn't one of your usual stunts, missy. I've put up with you skipping school, sneaking out at night, stealing alcohol from the liquor cabinet. You're even failing several of your classes and it's only a month into school. And now this."

"It wasn't that big of a deal," Nicolette protested, leaning back in her kitchen chair.

"Not that big of a deal?" her mom repeated, pausing her pacing for the moment. "You streaked across the football field during the pep rally! You were suspended for two weeks! What point were you trying to make exactly?"

Nicolette just shrugged, figuring her mom wouldn't appreciate the fact that it was just a dare. At least she had gotten thirty bucks out of it.

"This is just too much, Nic," her mom sighed. "I can't look after you twenty-four/seven when I have to work all day."

Nicolette sat up in her chair. "What are you saying exactly? You're not getting me some kind of babysitter are you?"

"No. I'm sending you to your uncle."

"What?!" Nicolette exclaimed, jumping to her feet. "It's the middle of the school year!"

"It's only halfway through September, don't be so overdramatic. And you're suspended anyway so I suppose school doesn't really matter to you anyway," her mom responded.

"But I haven't seen Uncle Travis in years! You probably haven't even talked to him in years!" Nicolette knew her mom and uncle were never very close since there was a huge age difference between them. On top of that, they were only half-siblings, sharing the same father.

"I've been talking to Travis a lot more recently due to your behavioral problems. It was actually his suggestion that you go and stay with him for awhile."

"Isn't he in a band?" Nicolette desperately grasped at straws, trying to think of an excuse not to move. She couldn't leave her friends, her school, and more importantly, her boyfriend. "The Water Wombats or something? I can't stay with him. They'd be a bad influence for me."

"I think your own friends are the only bad influence in this situation," her mom retorted. "But yes, your uncle is in a band. A new band actually. They're on tour this fall so you'll be traveling a lot."

"Are you insane?" Nicolette questioned, furrowing her eyebrows at her mother. "This is a terrible idea."

"How so? You'll be sharing closed quarters with your uncle and his band mates on their tour bus so I know someone will be keeping an eye on you at all times. You can do online schooling so you won't be missing two weeks of school like you would be if you stayed here. You might actually pass all your classes since you won't be capable of ditching class. Travis says you can help sell band merchandise at the shows so you'll be developing a strong work ethic. I think it's a fantastic idea."

"Do you even know what rock bands do on tour?" Nicolette asked. "You know: 'sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll?'" Normally she would dream about going on tour with bands, but not with her uncle. And certainly not during her senior year of high school. She would miss prom!

"Oh please, you do all that stuff anyways." Her mom waved a hand at her dismissively. "Besides, I trust Travis. If you're with him then you might actually break those habits of yours."

"Unbelievable," Nicolette muttered. She sat back down on her chair in defeat. "And I have no say in this whatsoever?"

"No. For once, Nic, I'm going to take charge as your mother before you throw away your entire life. You leave tomorrow morning." And with that, her mom left the room leaving Nicolette to think about how her entire life was about to change.


"This sucks," Shawn groaned. Nicolette nodded in agreement and collapsed on Shawn's bed next to him.

"I know. This is all James' fault," Nicolette complained.

Shawn laughed. "You didn't have to accept the dare. Although on behalf of the entire straight, male population at Fontana High, we appreciate that you did."

"Of course I had to do it! It was a triple dog dare, Shawn. Have you never seen A Christmas Story? And he gave me thirty dollars for it so..."

"You make me watch it every year, Nic. I've seen the movie."

"It wasn't even that big of a deal. I was just topless for fuck's sake! If a guy had run out on the field he would not have been suspended. It's so sexist," she ranted. Shawn just nodded along to show he agreed with her, but Nicolette suspected he had zoned out. "It's not fair. I mean, I'll be eighteen in a few weeks. Why does she have to send me away?" Nicolette continued.

Shawn rolled over on his side so he was facing her. "You should just stay with me. My parents wouldn't even notice. Then you can come back to school when the suspension's over. Plus we could have sex, like, every day," he winked.

"As tempting as that sounds," Nicolette smirked at her boyfriend, "I think that might cause even more problems. Then my mom might send me off to boarding school instead."

"Oooh, where you have to wear short, plaid skirts? I could live with that."

"I already own short plaid skirts," Nicolette rolled her eyes.

"It's not the same," Shawn sighed wistfully causing Nicolette to giggle.

"Then I guess I won't wear them anymore," she taunted.

"Not like it matters, does it, since you'll be leaving anyway," Shawn pouted. Nicolette pushed his shoulder playfully.

"Maybe it won't be that bad," she said hopefully. "I mean, we can still call each other, right? And maybe Mom will let me come home before the tour ends if I behave well."

Shawn sat up on the bed and straddled Nicolette with his legs. He gripped her wrists and pinned them to the bed above her head. "But you're such a naughty girl," he smirked. "You don't know how to behave well."

"Then maybe you should teach me," Nicolette flirted.

"Oh I plan to," Shawn reassured. But as he leaned down to kiss her, all Nicolette could think about was how this would be their last night together for a very long time.

A/N: I know this is so unrealistic and it's the typical plotline for a fanfiction but I just really wanted to write something like it. So.. sorry not sorry.

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