Chapter Eight

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Waves of guilt washed through Nicolette when Shawn called her later that night after the Columbus show. Nothing had happened between Tom and her in the closet, they had just sat on the floor and talked until Kate had found them and let them out, but that didn't change the fact that she had wanted something to happen. When she had realized that she and Tom were trapped in that room, the last thing on her mind was Shawn.

            Nicolette knew that made her a terrible girlfriend. But in her defense, she had never been that great of one to begin with. Her entire relationship with Shawn was based on sex, and when you take away the foundation of something, everything starts to crumble. During the last few months of the year that they had been together, it had seemed like Shawn completely tuned her out whenever they weren't fucking. She guessed it had just felt good to finally have someone pay attention to her, even if that person was five years older and her uncle's bandmate.

            She wondered if Shawn had suspected that something was going on with her. Nicolette hadn't heard from him since Columbus two days ago. Normally she wouldn't be concerned, but she had already gotten a multitude of phone calls from her friends back home (and one from her mom) wishing her a happy birthday.

Nicolette thought it was odd that Shawn hadn't called her yet, but she tried not to let it get to her. She was determined to have a good birthday, despite being away from all her friends and in a different country completely.

Tonight Blink was playing in Montreal, and it was one of the best shows Nicolette had seen them play yet. The crowd went completely crazy for the band, jumping and crowd-surfing and singing at the top of their lungs. They even sang a whole verse during the encore when Mark pushed Tom away from the microphone.

The encore had probably been Nicolette's favorite part of the show, since it had started with Tom dancing across the stage to get his guitar. Nicolette giggled as she watched him from the merch table. It amazed her that a rockstar, who looked completely badass with piercings, tattoos, and his tall stature, was really just an adorable dork with a cute lopsided grin.

Nicolette tried not to be disappointed when the guys didn't join her at the merch table right after the show. When they finally did appear, Nicolette and Cam were already packing up the merchandise.

"A little late, Hot Pants," Nicolette teased Tom, using the name he had asked to be called onstage.

Tom sighed as he walked up to the table. "I really should've seen that coming."

"What took you guys so long?" she asked, folding up shirts and putting them back in their boxes.

"Mark was getting a lecture from Kate about telling the crowd to kill the guy that had the laser pointer," Tom smirked.

"That asshole deserved it. I fucking hate those laser pointers," Mark huffed, making Nicolette laugh.

"We were hanging out backstage," Travis started to answer Nicolette's question seriously, "so that we could leave sooner."

            "Why?" she frowned.

            "Because we gonna partaaay," Mark said, pushing his hands out in front of him in what Nicolette assumed was supposed to be a dancing manner.

            "Guess what the drinking age is in Montreal?" Tom grinned. "Eighteen, baby!"

            Nicolette glanced at Travis with surprise, wondering if she was understanding Mark and Tom correctly.

            "Just don't tell your mom," Travis sighed. Nicolette squealed and jumped up and down with excitement.

            "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She hugged her uncle tightly, making him chuckle and pat her back awkwardly.

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