Chapter Six

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(A/N: I was saving this gif for my Tomark fic, but it kind of fits with this chapter so here it is.)

Mark had no idea what had gotten into Tom recently. The guitarist just seemed so distracted over the past few days. Thankfully, whatever was going on hadn't cut into the band's practice time nor impacted Tom's ability to perform for their shows. But Mark was still worried about his friend.

Tom had refused to admit that anything was wrong, but Mark suspected it had something to do with Nicolette. Ever since the seventeen year old had arrived, Tom had been acting more spacey than usual. And then there was the comment Tom had made on stage during the middle of their show... Mark understood wanting to sell more merchandise, but calling out Travis' niece like Tom had done was just plain stupid.

Not that Mark disagreed with Tom's statement. Nicolette was very hot. She was sexier than any seventeen year old had the right to be. But that might have been because Mark had heard her talking like no seventeen year old should be allowed to, back when he had interrupted her conversation with her boyfriend. Mark had been disgusted with himself that the young girl's words had turned him on so easily, but he just couldn't help it.

Every time Mark found himself staring at Nicolette's exposed lithe legs, he had to mentally slap himself. She was still in fucking high school. It didn't matter how attractive she was, what clothes she wore, or how experienced she appeared to be. Mark was still nearly eight and a half years older than her. And Mark thought he had been a sick freak for having a crush on Tom when they first met; the age gap with Nicolette was twice as big as the one he had with Tom.

He would just have to ignore the feelings for the blonde and hope they would go away. Even if Nicolette was older, Mark still wouldn't be willing to risk ruining things with the band. They had just gotten Travis to replace Scott during the first leg of this tour. They needed the drummer. There was no telling what Travis would do if he ever found out his bandmate was lusting after his niece.

Something Tom seemed not to have been thinking about lately.

"What the hell was that?" Travis demanded as soon as the band was offstage. The drummer never yelled, and this was no exception. But Travis raised his voice ever so slightly at Tom, making Mark's eyes widen at the prospect of there being a catfight.

"Uh, a really great fucking show?" Tom answered, laughing off Travis' question.

"I mean the part where you called Nicolette hot," Travis reiterated, folding his arms in front of his chest.

Mark shuffled from foot to foot, his eyes darting back and forth between his two bandmates.

"Aw come on, Trav. I was just trying to get more people to buy our shirts," Tom explained. "Generate more demand."

"I know." Tom seemed to relax as he handed his guitar to his tech, or maybe that was just Mark projecting his own relief of Travis not suspecting anything.

"But you know what some of the people at these shows are like," Travis continued. "I don't want some older pervert coming onto her while she's working the table. Her mom sent her to me to look after her, and I'd appreciate it if you guys would help out."

Mark chewed the inside of his lip. If only Travis knew that his bandmate was one of those older perverts.

"Shit. You're right, man. I'm sorry," Tom apologized, his face contorting into an expression of guilt.

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