Chapter Twenty-One

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God, Travis was taking a long-ass time in the bathroom. Mark was starting to get concerned that he had fallen in. Maybe he was masturbating.

Mark set his notebook on the table before pacing the dressing room. It wasn't out of anxiousness, just boredom. And he could use the physical activity.

The door to the dressing room burst open, nearly giving Mark a heart attack. He had no idea what could've gotten Travis so upset in the bathroom, but it was all revealed when it wasn't Travis storming through the door, but Tom rather.

Mark had only seen his best friend this upset once before, back when Tom had found out his parents were getting a divorce. But this...this was different. Because this time, Mark knew that Tom's anger was directed at him. His face was red, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed, as he stomped over to Mark.

"Tom? What's wro-"

"Fuck you, Mark," Tom spat, standing defiantly in front of the bassist.

Mark recoiled. "What are you-"

"Shut the fuck up. You know damn well what I'm talking about." Tom kept his voice low as he glared at Mark, their faces only a few inches apart. "You're such a fucking hypocrite."

Realization dawned on Mark. This was about Nicolette; it had to be. How had Tom found out?

"Tom, look, I can-"

"No, Mark, you look." Tom jabbed a finger against Mark's chest, both surprising and angering Mark. "You made me feel like shit for dating Nicolette. You called me a fucking pedophile, Mark!"

"No, I said you would look like a pedophile," Mark corrected.

"Screw you!" Tom shouted, raising his hands in the air. Mark flinched, thinking he was going to hit him for a second. But Tom just spun on his heels and walked a few steps away from Mark before turning back around to face him. "Like it makes a fucking difference!

"You made me feel like a complete asshole, saying that I was going to break up the fucking band by going behind Travis' back. And you're doing the exact damn thing!" Tom pointed his finger at Mark angrily, as if trying to visibly place the blame. "You're even four years older than I am! What happened to Nic deserving someone who could take her to a stupid fucking high school dance?!"

Mark winced as Tom raised his voice at him. Not that he didn't deserve it. Mark knew that he was a hypocrite; he knew that he was the shittiest friend in the world. But all the guilt he had been feeling over that information was nothing in comparison to how he felt with Nicolette.

"Tom, I know you're mad-"

"Damn right I'm fucking mad! I'm fucking pissed! I told you how much I liked her and then you, my best fucking friend, sleeps with her!"

"You know what? Back the fuck off, Tom," Mark retorted. Tom did a double take before he narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "Don't act like you're so innocent in all this. You're the one who broke up with Nicolette."

"Yeah! Because you made me feel like it was either that or destroy all of Blink!" Tom waved a hand at Mark angrily. "If only I'd known you had said all that crap just so you could have her for yourself," Tom scoffed.

Mark froze. Had that really been why he had said all that stuff? Sure he had been jealous of Tom for being with Nicolette, but he had still meant what he'd told Tom. He knew that Tom's and Nic's relationship was a bad idea, just like Mark's relationship with her was.

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