Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: So if you decided it wasn't worth the hassle to be able to read chapter fourteen, here's a recap:

Blink had a day off. They stayed at a hotel. Tom and Nic had lots of sex. Mark walked in on them. See, I told you no vital plot points were missed ;)


"What the fuck?" Mark rounded on Tom as soon as Nicolette was out the door.

            "What?" Tom replied distractedly. It wasn't that he was trying to act innocent; he was just way too focused on Nicolette's ass as she had walked out of the room. He was, justifiably, a little pissed off at Mark at the moment. If Mark hadn't come back when he did, Tom and Nicolette could be going for round four right about now, and fuck did Tom want that with the way she had teased him before leaving.

            "You're fucking her?!" Mark shouted. Tom turned to him, surprised by his outburst.

            "Dude, what the hell? You already knew we were together," Tom reminded. Mark had walked in on Nicolette and Tom grinding against each other with Tom's hands up her shirt, but he was surprised that they were having sex?

            "I thought you were making-out in supply closets, not using our hotel room to fuck her in the shower!" Tom smirked, remembering the shower sex from just a few minutes ago. Mark however was not so easily amused. "Are you fucking insane, Tom?"

            "What's the big deal?" Tom huffed, starting to pick up his clothes from the floor. He was getting really tired of Mark's bullshit. One minute he was fine with Nic and Tom, willing to keep their secret, and the next he was yelling at Tom about how he was going to fuck up Blink.

            "Travis is going to kill you when he finds out you've been sticking your dick in his niece."

            "He's not going to find out," Tom rolled his eyes. He slid his boxers on underneath his towel before unwrapping the cloth from his waist and tossing it on his bed.

            "You can't fucking do this, Tom," Mark continued, his arms crossed defiantly over his chest as he stepped closer.

            "Do what?" Tom snapped at his friend. "Have consensual sex with a girl I really fucking like, and who just so happens to like me back?"

            "No," Mark replied, unwavering. "You can't have sex with Nicolette." Tom scoffed as he pulled on his pants. "You can't go behind Travis' back, your friend and the drummer of our band, just so you can have meaningless sex with a girl who's still in fucking high school!"

            "It's's not meaningless," Tom protested, putting his shirt back on.

            Mark raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "What the fuck does that mean?"

            "I told you, I like her," Tom repeated. He picked up his towel and pushed past Mark to get to the bathroom.

            Tom did like Nicolette. And not just because the sex was fucking fantastic, though that certainly was part of it. He liked joking around with her and talking to her. He liked listening to her, hearing stories from her childhood or even when she was just complaining about shit like her schoolwork. He liked holding her in his arms at night and listening to the rise and fall of her breathing as she slept.

            "Tom," Mark sighed, stepping into the bathroom doorway. Tom ignored him as he hung up his towel over the shower curtain rod. "You can't like her."

            "And why the fuck not?" Tom glared down at him, trying to use the few inches in height difference to intimidate him. 

            Mark had been telling Tom the same thing since the start of the tour: not to flirt with Nicolette, that Travis would kill him, that she was too young. It was Tom who had changed over the few weeks. His feelings had changed.

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