Chapter Eleven

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A/N: This is hella long, but I didn't want to split it up. Anyway, smut warning.

Nicolette stood outside of Dylan's Candy Bar. She would've been pacing if it weren't for all the New Yorkers bustling past on the busy street. She wasn't sure why she was so nervous. There was really no reason why she should be worried that Tom wouldn't show up. He certainly couldn't get enough of her this morning...

"What the fuck is that?" Tom mumbled, still half-asleep. Nicolette giggled as she turned off the alarm on her phone. She had set it to vibrate in order not to wake Tom up, but there hadn't been anywhere to put the phone in the small bunk so Nicolette had kept it in her hand, which had been resting on Tom's chest when she had fallen asleep.

"I need to go back to my bunk," she explained. "So that no one sees that we slept together." Tom must've been exhausted because he didn't smirk at the innuendo. Instead he just groaned.

"Do you really have to leave?" he whined. It would've been pathetic if Nicolette didn't think it was so damn cute.

"Yes," she answered. Nicolette straddled Tom's body once again in order to get out of the bunk. She hovered above his lying form and slowly leaned down to kiss him, ignoring their morning breath. "But I'll see you in five hours."

"It's five a.m.?" Tom demanded after a pause, doing the math in his head.

"Kate's an early riser," Nicolette shrugged. Tom groaned again.

"Ugh, fine. Five hours." He propped himself up on his elbows to kiss her again. "In front of Dylan's," he reminded once they pulled apart.

Nicolette nodded, confirming the plans they had made last night. "Good luck escaping the bus without anyone noticing," she smirked as she opened the curtain and climbed off Tom.

He groaned, again, before collapsing back onto his pillow. Tom was clearly not a morning person. That just made Nicolette like him even more.

Maybe Tom hadn't been able to come up with an excuse to get Mark and Travis (and Davion probably) off his back. Fuck, she hoped that wasn't the case. She'd really been looking forward to spending the day with him.

Nicolette breathed a sigh of relief when she spotted Tom walking towards the candy store. Then she laughed when she saw what he was wearing. It wasn't his usual Dickies shorts or skater T-shirt or sneakers that Nicolette found amusing, but the white sunglasses and backwards yellow cap that he was sporting.

"What did I tell you about hats?" Nicolette smirked as Tom walked up to her. She flicked the brim of his hat and Tom frowned.

"It's my disguise."

"Tom, you wear this hat all the time," Nicolette laughed. "And these are the ugliest pair of sunglasses I've ever seen."

"Hey! I wore those in one of our music videos," he defended.

"That doesn't make them any less ugly." Nicolette reached up and took the glasses off his face and put them away in her purse.

"Are you happy now?" Tom made a face at her, scrunching his nose and raising an eyebrow.

Nicolette shrugged. "The hat's actually kind of growing on me."

"Well, too bad. It's mine," Tom joked, sticking his tongue out.

"Come on, you goofball," she rolled her eyes. For someone who was twenty-two years old, he sure didn't act like it.

Nicolette grasped Tom's hand and pulled him into the store, her eyes widening with awe as she took in the bright colors filling the building. There was candy everywhere, even on the wallpaper and merchandise like pillows and pajamas. It seemed to be organized by type and then color, making it very pleasing to the eye. But the most eye-catching thing in the store was the tall tree of plastic lollipops in the middle of it.

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