Chapter 5

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"True love can never have a definition, only you and your relationship can define it" - Trisha Erskine

Today was the day. My weekend of fun was finally over and it was time to put my head in a number of books because this was the last lap. Andre had left the day before, he texted me as soon as he arrived at campus. I got out of bed, took a shower, packed my bags and went downstairs for breakfast.

Nolwazi & Percy's bags were also packed. "Good Morning babes! Ready for the exams?" I asked grabbing an apple. "F**k you Nompi why do you always have something negative to say" Nolwazi rolled her eyes, then she sighed "someone please tell me this isn't happening". "I also wish it was a dream" Nosipho said. "Come on guys, its our last lap then our matric dance then we're officially unemployed citizens" I said. "You make it sound like a fairytale. It isn't so easy" Teejay said coming down the stairs. "Uhm Teejay don't you have exams coming up?" I asked him. He smiled. "Well unlike you sweet Nompi, some of us work first then play later" he replied. "So that's like a yes right?" Nosipho asked. "Yes. I'm through with exams. But I'm also leaving. If Nosipho's mom finds me here she'll skin me alive, besides I need to go fetch Sizwe from the airport at about 2pm" A huge smile grew on Nosipho's face. Her boyfriend was finally coming back home.

"Anyone need a lift? Because the Percy mobile is leaving right now!" Percy said. "Me" I raised my hand. "But baby, breakfast ke?" Nolwazi pouted. "I'll buy you McDonalds?" He held her hand as if he were proposing to her. "Agreed! Nompi asambhe". "Guys I must say, its been a really great weekend. I'll miss you" I fake-cried. Nosipho stared at me with a straight face. "Like Gerara here mayne I'll see you on Wednesday" I laughed, helped Percy with our luggage and left.

"Nompi or McDonalds? Which one first?" Percy asked. "McDonald's, baby I'm starving" Nolwazi responded. "Hell nah, I miss Maria's food. Please take me home first" I begged. "He is my boyfriend wenaNompilo" "Still my brother Nolwazi. Okay yazini, McDonald's is closer when you take the Ayden route that leads to Mandela street and then I'm home. Then you can go feed your girlfriend" Percy looked sorry. "Babe, unfortunately, she knows routes better than you" he said. "I love you Nolwazi" a smirk was on my face.

I got home and went straight to my room. The sun shined on the balcony. It looked beautiful. The view from my room was the backyard, not much could be seen but the neatly cut green grass next to the orchid garden with the large rectangular swimming pool. It wasn't a sight I enjoyed. It only reminded me of all the hours my parents spent at work instead of at home with us. I went to the bathroom and ran myself a bubble bath. I needed to relax before I began studying. I sat in the tub with a glass of appetizer nearby. I couldn't help but reminisce about my night at Andre's. I wanted to replay those moments badly.

Just then Nosipho called. "Nompi!" "Woah I've only been gone for two hours" "No uhm after you left I decided to do some research on the Prince. You better watch your back" she said. "But why?" I asked. "Turns out he once had a fling with a girl named 'Sinothando Tylebooi' which went sour. She tried to drown him once but he survived. She then tried to burn his house down but he wasn't home at the time." I was silent. "Nompilo?Please say something" "His best friend is Sinothando but I don't know her surname. Don't you think it could be the same person?" Nosipho sounded worried. "I'm not sure but it could be. I don't want to bury you Nompi, not anytime soon so I'd advise you to watch your back" she said just before she hung up.

My mood was ruined. I couldn't relax any longer. I got out of the bathtub and went to sit on my bed. "Should I ask him?". I knew that Nkosinathi wouldn't lie but what would Sinothando do if she found out that I knew. Dying young was never in my bucket list. -Buzz- another phone call. "I swear you two freak me out. You always call a minute after Nosipho. I'm sorry about the McDonald's" I assumed it was Nolwazi because she called me sixty seconds after Nosipho, every time. "Don't worry, I'll buy you some when I come home this weekend" it was Andre. I laughed lightly but blushed. He always turned my face into a bright beautiful red. "How are you Andre?" "Well I'm missing a lady I barely know, I don't know if I can cope any longer without her" "Poor lady. Does she know how much she's making you suffer?" I asked. "I don't think so. But I'm seeing her this weekend and I want to buy her McDonald's. So what would you like mi'lady?" "No Andre!" I covered my eyes with my hand. "I assumed you were my friend, Nolwazi" "Oh really? But I wouldn't mind McDonald's this weekend" "Why are you even coming home during the exam season?" I could hear him laugh at the other end of the line. "Its Faye's birthday party. And guess what?" "What?" "She said I should bring a partner, a rich, sexy, partner" "you sound like those gold diggers who always worry about a guy's networth" I said. "I don't know how much you are worth to the world but to me you're worth more than a billion British pounds" my gut told me he was smiling because he paused for thirty seconds. "So are you in? No wait, you are. I'll pick you up on Saturday morning" "But Andre, what if-" "Enjoy your day princess" then he hung up. I found myself laughing at a text he sent a minute after the phone call. 'Wear ripped jeans, white preferably. It makes your eyes glow'. Andre was the first person who thought that white made my eyes glow, it was officially my favourite colour.

"Miss Nompi" I heard Maria say from the other side of the door. "Come in Maria" I responded. She came in with a glass of grapetizer on the rocks. "Just the way you like it" I laughed. Maria was our housekeeper, our very first. She had been with us for about fifteen years now and I was closer to her than my own mother. "You are smiling? I haven't seen you glow so much in a while, not even that Chanel handbag that you wanted made you smile like this, so who is it?" "Miss Maria! What if its something and not someone?" She looked at me thoughtfully. "Nothing can make you smile like that, only someone. You see Nompi when I first met my husband, I wanted nothing to do with him" I stopped her before she could say more. "How did you meet him?" I asked. "He was my brother's friend. We grew up together but he always irritated me. One day we danced together at a barbeque, one thing led to another and we fell in love, deeply in love. I would look into his eyes and see our future together, it was beautiful. It was only then that I understood the meaning of true love" I sipped my drink. "What is the meaning of true love?" She smiled. "True love is spending the rest of your life with someone who makes you nuts and you just want to kill them, but you don't, because you can't imagine life without them. Mr Martinez used to irritate me even after we got married, but I just couldn't imagine how my life would turn out without him. Well I have work to do, just shout if you need me" and she left. I sat and thought about what she had just said. "Was it Nkosinathi or Andre?" I asked myself. I didn't know if I was willing to mess with Sinothando, even if her surname wasn't Tylebooi she didn't like me much, and I feared her.

Ashambe - let's go
Wena - you
Yazini - you know what
Barbeque - (american word for braai)

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