Chapter 6

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"With true love comes joy, laughter, tears and trouble"  - Unknown

"I honestly think diamonds look good on you" Nkosinathi said. I blushed a little and looked down. "But Nkosi, I'm not about that glamour lifestyle" He held my chin and drew himself closer to me. "That glamour lifestyle suits you Nompi" I leaned in for a kiss. "Black or Black!" Sino screamed in our ears. "Uhm, Black. Yea it looks good on you" Nkosinathi said. I stood there confused. "What's the fricken difference?" I asked. Sino came in between us and pushed us apart. "Black looks good on me and Black makes me look fat!" She shouted. "But you aren't Nkosinathi, you wouldn't know" she turned away. "Nompilo you hurt her feelings!" Nkosinathi said. My jaw dropped. "Her, the girl who tried to kill you, are you seriously taking her side? Wake up Nkosinathi! Her name is Sinothando, Sinothando Tylebooi" Nkosinathi moved closer to me, he was filled with rage. "Don't you ever mention that name when you're around me or Sino. You have no idea what that girl did to us, how she almost killed us and tried to pin it on Sino. I don't ever want to hear that name". I paused. "I'm sorry. I didn't know" He held my hand "I'm sorry too. I went through so much because of that girl, how about we get a bracelet for that necklace?" "Well, uh, sure"

I was sweating when I woke up. That dream felt so real, maybe everything Nkosinathi said in the dream was true. But he wasn't so bad, I'd also freak out if someone did the same thing to Nolwazi or Nosipho. It was about 5am, I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I opened the sliding door and sat on the balcony, it was so cool.

I watched the sun rise in the horizon, it was orange like lava as it rose and touched the mountains. I slowly smiled. It was a beautiful sight. My table was covered in books, I slept really late the previous night. The exam season was stressing me but I felt as if I had something else to be afraid of, I had fear in my heart. Then it clicked, Sinothando. The thought of her made my body shiver, my heart started beating fast. I felt like I was in the dream once more.

"Hi, yea like I'm unavailable. So call me later" Nosipho's voicemail said. "Who am I kidding it's quarter to six in the morning, who would be awake" I thought to myself. I quickly took a shower and dragged myself to the kitchen. "Not jogging today Ms. Nompi?" Maria asked. I stared at her lazily. "No, I need to study" She wiped her dish and looked at me. "Something's bothering you, what is it?" "Maria, I think I'm falling for someone. Well two different people" She just laughed. "That's usual. Pick the one you enjoy spending time with" "But what if I enjoy spending time with both of them? What if they both make me feel special?" I asked. Maria started making me a latte. "Funny thing about love Nompi, you'll realise when you least expected it. There will be one who will accept you, for who you truly are." Just then my mother came down the stairs. "Talking about love?" She asked. "Good Morning Mrs Sono" Maria said as she handed me my latte. "Morning Maria, I'd like a cup of coffee please" "I'll make it right away" I started making my way up the stairs. "Wait, Nompilo?" "Uhm yebo ma" I responded. "Please have breakfast with me?" I sighed. "Kodwa Ma angilambile" "Even if its just coffee, ngiyak'cela ndodakazi yam". I went back and placed my cup of latte on the table.

I could see the joy in her eyes. I was sure she felt as neglected as I did. "So who are these two boys?" She asked. "Ma I can't tell you that. Instead of giving me your honest opinion, you'll just pick the rich guy" I said. "Well to be honest I don't want my child to be poor" "That's the thing Ma. Love isn't about age or money. I'm matriculating this year, and you don't even know what university I'm going to or what I want to study" "That's because you don't want to tell me ndodakazi" "Because you make life choices for me Mama. I want to live my own life, marry someone I love whether they are rich or poor. You think every man out there is like dad?" "Do not bring up your father!" She shouted. "You're slowly becoming a female version of him. And you don't even notice it. I just feel sorry for Nkanyezi who still has to learn that her mother won't always be there" I turned around, she grabbed my shoulder and twisted me. "You will not talk to me in that tone. Being a single parent isn't easy" I rolled my eyes and went up to my room.

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