Chapter 12

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"There are no secrets that time does not reveal" - Jean Racine

I came home and ran to my room. Red eyes, tears on my chest and a horrible headache. I just wanted to sleep. I heard Maria knock on the door. "Ms Nompi, may I come in?" She asked. "Go away Maria I don't feel well" I responded. She came in anyway. "I said go away" I shouted. "I won't until you tell me what's wrong and why Mr Dube wanted to see you today" I sat up and wiped my tears. "What was he doing here?" "He wanted to see you, he said it was urgent but then he left this with me" she pulled out a red rose, a Lindt chocolate bar and a tiny note. I took the rose and the bar of chocolate and left her with the note, "please read it to me" I asked. She opened it and laughed. "What's funny?" "There isn't really much to read but he says he is sorry" Maria replied. "Sorry? But for what? I'm the one who wronged him not the other way round.

Maria held my hand. "That's what a real man does. You wronged him but he is apologising because he feels like he drove you to do the things you did. I don't know much about this Prince, Miss Nompi. But judging by the tears, he isn't good for you. Stay with the one who truly loves you" She stood up and made her way to the door. "Maria wait! I once heard mom talk about dad's brother and how close they were, how come he didn't visit?" She froze. "Uhm Miss Nompi, he did. But you were really young so you don't have any memories of him" she replied. "Why did he stop then?" "He argued with your father. I don't know over what but it got really ugly. If you may excuse me, I need to go clean the kitchen" and she left.

I had a puzzled look on my face, why didn't anyone ever tell me about my mysterious uncle? My mom is the only one with the answer to that question but I doubt she'd tell me. I picked up my phone and dialled Andre's number. "Hi, Nompilo" I started crying again but I tried to keep it together. "Uhm hi Andre, I got your voicemail, your chocolate bar and the rose" "Did you like the rose? I mean I could get you a different colour or a different flower" "No Andre! I love it. I just wanted to apologise, with this whole Prince Nkosinathi thing. I wasn't thinking straight and I didn't know that you wanted to be my date to my matric dance" I said. There was silence on the other end. Then Andre cleared his throat, just to show me that he's still alive. "No I'm sorry. I didn't ask you to be your date so you picked the first guy who did. Can I see you tomorrow?" I smiled. "Sure. I have a headache so I'm going to sleep, goodnight" "Goodnight Nompilo, I love you" and then he hung up.

I went to the kitchen and paused. It was sparkling. Maria couldn't have cleaned like this in two minutes. She lied to me. I ran back into my parents room. Something was up and if Maria wasn't going to tell me, I was going to find out. I found a shoe box under my dad's side of the bed. I covered it with my back and went to my room. There were a bunch of newspapers and letters tied together with a rubber band. I took out the first few newspaper. Their headlines read:

"Millionaire Sono escapes fraud allegations. Miles Sono is nowhere to be seen"

"Big Bad Brother in town. Sindiswa and Mike Sono flaunting around town"

"What's going on?" I asked myself. There was a picture of father and his brother, his twin brother. At the back it was written "Mike & Miles 1995". "Maria!" I screamed! I rushed down the stairs in search of Maria. She was sitting outside at the patio, quiet. "Maria why didn't you tell me" "Tell you what Miss Nompi?" She asked. "Don't play games with me Maria. Why didn't you tell me about my uncle? My father's twin brother" A tear dropped on her blouse. "Miss Nompi, you know about him, I'm sure you remember 'tata'. He used to cover his left eye because he said he lost it during apartheid. He had a mole near his nose"

I paused for a moment and finally, I remembered him. Tata was a man who used to visit us when my father used to go on business trips. He was always a trickster and a joker but I loved him through it all. Soon dad's trips became longer and longer and his visits became less and less, there was no man in my life since. Tears started dripping from my eyes, faster than usual and I just stood there. "Mike was Tata? We used to bath together" Maria wiped away her tears and turned her back to me. "That's when he used to rape you, it was so easy for him" "What? Maria that's not true. I was never molested as a child. I don't believe it! How do you enggvvven know?" I asked. "Caught him in the act. He pointed a gun to my face and said he'd kill me if I ever said anything" "I'm sure my mom knew something about this?" "Yes she did. But Sindiswa Sono is a cold hearted woman, she doesn't allow anyone to disturb her happiness, even her daughter"

I quickly ran upstairs. All these memories were coming back, slowly, slowly. I remember how he used to hurt me, but gave me sweets to keep me quiet. Andre thought I was a virgin, I thought I was a virgin, I've been telling myself a lie all along. Just then my mom and dad walked up the stairs laughing loudly. I was filled with rage and anger but I couldn't do anything about it. I could only be mad and cry, cry as hard as I can but when I wiped away the tears, everything would be the same. I cried myself to sleep.

The next day came and I still didn't leave my room. Not even Maria could chase me out. I didn't even know if the sun was out, my room was dark. I covered myself and went back to sleep. I was woken by a knock on the door. "Nompilo, are you there? I mean I know you're there but can I come in? Nompilo? I'm counting to three and if you don't respond I'm coming in, ready or not. One-two" It was Andre. I didn't feel like talking to him, or anyone. "three! Okay I'm coming in" and he barged in my room. I stared at the duvet I was facing, I felt useless. I could hear his footsteps as he slowly walked in, slowly. "Nompi? Are you okay?" "What do you want Andre?" I asked. "I came to check on you, you promised to help me prepare for Faye's birthday party tomorrow and you didn't answer my calls yesterday" I removed the covers and looked at him, he looked different, even more handsome, I think he had a new haircut. "Why do you look so beautiful?" I asked. "I wanted to look good for you" he smiled. "Don't, I'm wasted" and I turned my back to him. "What are you talking about? I mean if its a hangover I've got a pill for it or something" I turned back to him, "you're sweet, but it will take more than a pill to cleanse me" "Nompilo ukhuluma ngani?" Andre asked. I started crying again. "Nompilo kwenzekalani? Did I say something wrong? Yini?" "Andre its not you, its my life. Every time I try to let some guy come in they hurt me. My dad hurt me, my uncle hurt me nje wonke umuntu" I said. "Nompilo do I matter to you? All I ever wanted was to wake up to your beautiful face over and over again. I wanted to wake you up with lattés and waffles. But you let the wrong people in" "Would you love a wasted girl who was raped over and over again in her childhood? I'm filthy! Here I am trying to be pure but I'm filthy as grease!" He kept quiet for a while. "Who raped you? Nompilo why didn't you say anything about it?" "Andre I didn't know anything about it till last night. I don't want to even show my face anymore, I don't deserve this" Andre climbed into bed right next to me and placed my head on his lap.

"Nompilo I believe that if you're wasted then no one wants anything to do with you. You, my Sono Queen still have me. You still have Nolwazi, Nosipho, Percy and Teejay who are willing to love you. Faye and Karabo won't even mind you're scars. Babe you think you're the only one with them when you walk across thousands of people who have scars" "Where is all of this coming from?" I asked. "I read books. Nompilo please look at me" I looked up. "Tell me that I don't mean anything to you, then I'll be out if your life" I bit my lip. "Andre people make mistakes and my biggest one so far was leaving you. I love you Mr Dube and I guess I was just too dumb to realise that" He kissed me on my forehead. "I love you too my Sono Queen"


Ukhukuma ngani - what are you talking about
Kwenzekalani - what's going on

Author's note
Last chapter of the year! I must say this book has been really successful! We managed to get over 500 readers. If I started with it at the beginning of the year, I'm sure I'd have a lot of readers. Thank you to all my readers and characters. Your votes, comments and compliments have been really precious. Happy New Year guys! Next chapter's coming to you in 2016, in that chapter you'll understand Nompilo's situation even better and why her mother did what she did. Child abuse is a huge problem in South Africa (my country) and I just want to make everyone in the world aware of how serious this is. Don't forget to hit me up on IG : @nomy_mash
Twitter : @missnomymash
Khulumani nami | Talk to me.
Have a blessed year❤

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