Chapter 16

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We finally arrived home. I could feel the hairs on my back stand up as my mom opened the door. I couldn't help but wonder if my uncle wasn't standing by with a knife or a gun. I quickly shut these thoughts out and tried to be positive. I was alive after a coma and I was grateful. It just wasn't my time. My mother went straight to her room and locked herself in after she dropped my night bag on the floor for Maria to pick up. Maria moved swiftly as she picked up the bag and dropped the contents in the washing machine. She didn't look at me nor did she say hi to me. I could've died in hospital, why didn't she care all of a sudden. My dad arrived with our lunch and placed it on the table. I looked around him for his luggage but he had none. "Baba, where's your luggage?" I eventually asked. "Uhm, Nompi I'm not staying here. I'll come and check up on you everyday and I'll be here early in the morning, before you wake up. I just can't stay here" he mumbled. I stood in confusion. "Nkanyezi needs you as much as I do. You can't keep abandoning us" He paced up and down and scratched his head but he still wouldn't answer me. "I'm sorry my angel. I can't stay here. I promise to be back tomorrow" He kissed me on the cheek, gave me a long hug that felt like an hour but was actually five seconds and left. I watched him walk out the door and drive out of the gate. I knew that if one day this came to haunt me, I'd never forgive myself for not stopping him when I had the chance to.

The sunlight from the balcony shone through my eyes and woke me up. It was a beautiful summer's day that should've been spent with Nolwazi and Nosi instead here we were. If someone had told us we would be here when we got to matric, none of us would've believed. I swear Nolwazi would've shot that person dead. I lifted the covers just a little, enough to see my dad drinking coffee, on my balcony and watching the sun rise. It was good to have him back right by my side after so many years. I can finally reign peacefully. "Reign" I said out loud. My dad turned to see if I was dreaming or not. "Sawubona Nkosazana yami. How did you sleep?" He asked as he poured me a cup of coffee. "Well, I guess. Baba, when are we going to see Andre?" "I don't know. Before we do that, Nompi, are you prepared? Uyafuna ukumbona lomuntu weslisa?" My face brightened up. "I haven't been more sure baba. I can't keep on reigning, like you said I have to give up my crown, my throne and I'm prepared to give it to Andre" He stood and made his way to the door. Get dressed then, we'll leave in a few minutes.

My mom still wouldn't come out of her room so I left her a note when me and dad left. I guess she was devastated about Mike being behind bars, he was the love of her life. We took a plane to Johannesburg and arrived there in a few minutes. Faye texted me Andre's apartment address. I wasn't really prepared for this. "Should I go in with you?" Dad squeezed my hand for comfort. "Cha. This is something I need to do all alone. You can wait outside, you might scare him" He gave me a tight hug and went back into the car. I knocked on the door. For the first time. The second time. The third time. And finally he opened when I was about to knock for the fourth time. He looked surprised to see me, but he didn't smile.

He was topless, as usual. He had bags under his eyes, like he hadn't slept for a month. His shoulders were broader. His body looked stiff. His eyes were as red as blood. He didn't change his facial expression. "Hi Andre" I tried smiling but even he could see how fake it was. "Hi Nompilo. What do you want here?" "Wow that's nice. Ngicela ukungena?" I took a step in but he pushed me back. "Hoekom?" He asked. "I just want us to talk. I've missed out on a lot of things that happened in your life in the past three months" He rubbed his eyes a couple of times. "Nompilo this can never work. Me and you, will never happen. Not anymore". I took a deep breath in, to prevent the tears from rushing down my cheeks. "I know I pushed you back three months ago. I've been through so much since then, I've realised that your love was the only thing keeping me going. And without it Andre Dube, I'm as good as dead" I watched him run his fingers through his hair and couldn't help but lust for him. "I'm sorry. I've moved on. Goodbye Nompilo" He shut the door in my face and I stood there, tears on my cheeks, a lump in my throat. I looked down from the fifth floor and wanted to jump down. But he wasn't worth it. Yes, Andre was by my side all the time, but I couldn't take my life for him. I might have been through a lot, but my father was by my side. I couldn't go wrong with him

I got back into the car and tried to smile. My dad could see the dried up tears on my cheeks. "How did it go?" I broke down. I tried to keep it all in at first but I couldn't help it. I had just lost the love of my life. "He moved on and he wants nothing to do with me" I said. My father reached for a clean serviette from lunch and wiped my tears. "Some things won't work out the way we want them to. But that doesn't mean we should give up on life and our dreams. All of this happened for a purpose my emperor and one day only you will understand". All of a sudden he began playing the late Luther Vandross's Dance with my father. "I used to sing this song all the time when my father passed away. A very traumatic experience but it helped become the man I am today" I chuckled. "I don't know suits and tie?" He laughed back. "Yes, suits and tie. A man with a suit and tie can sell ice to an Eskimo. Remember that, you're capable of way more than you think, and one day, your own Andre will come his way" I kissed him on the cheek and rubbed the lipstick. My father always knew how to make me feel better. Sometimes he did that without any words, all he had to do was smile and give me a warm hug, then I knew for sure, I was loved.

Sawubona Nkosazana yami - Good morning my Queen
Uyafuna ukumbona lomuntu weslisa - Do you want to see this guy/male/boy
Ngicela ukungena - Can I enter?
Hoekom - why?

"Dance with my father" in the music box. For those who don't know it to get an idea of how it sounds like.

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