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Goku cried in the livingroom.He got in fight with ChiChi who said horrible things to him.He is emotional person and that hit him hard.Now,he is at his friends house,at Briefs'.Vegeta,his friend,and Bulma,Vegeta' wife,are right now with him trying to make him feel better.-"Goku,im sure she didn't meant it that way",Bulma put her hand on his shoulder.Goku sobs and removes his tears.-"You think..? It sounded really bad.I just hope that she don't want...oh Kami",his tears started falling once again.Bulma hugged him and rubbed his back.Goku looked,over her shoulder,towards Vegeta who looked at him with his usual grumpy face and crossed arms and legs.He looked like he doesn't have any feels,like je doesn't care.Goku shouted his eyes and removes from Bulma.He romoved his tears and took a deep breath.He was ashamed because he is so weak in front of Vegeta.Yes,Vegeta thought the same thing,but he doesn't want to hurt him in any way.He doesn't really know how to express feels,but he have them.Why would he marry Bulma if he didn't had any feels to her.-"Goku,calm down.I will talk with her,don't worry,okay?",she asked.Goku was suprised.-"Y-you will?",he looked at her with his red eyes.-"Ofcourse! You're my best friends i won't let this happend to you two",they hugged eachother once again.-"Okay i will go to the town a lil bit,so you boys be good until i come back,okay?",she asked.Goku nodded with smile,but Vegeta was looking "trough" her.-"Is that clear,honey?",she asked little bit louder.-"Goddamnit woman,why are you yelling? I heard you the first time",he said.Bulma just rolled her eyes and left the house.
Awkward silence filled the room.Goku was looking towards Vegeta who wasn't moving.-" sorry that im this....weak.I-Im really ashamed that you,Prince of all Saiyans,have to see me like this..",he was sorry.Vegeta wasn't answering.-"I will understand if you...don't want to hang out with me",he sighed and looked at his hands.Vegeta was silent for a while.Goku allready walked towards door.-"Kakarot,why are you sucha cissy? Don't you see?!",suddnely Vegeta groaned.Goku turned around and sighed.-"Im sorry",he said sadly.-"No.Stop apologising.Everyone is taking you for granted because of..your kindness.You are nice to everyone and everyone is just using you.Stop being like that and learn to say no! ChiChi may say terrible things to you,but she still love you.If no she would allready kick you out of the house.And no,this is not that time.You came by yourself,she didn't kicked you.Now calm yourself and think about some facts.You have 3 children and eachother.Do you really think she hate you just like that,out of nowhere? No.She love you.You have everything Kakarot,don't you see? Your kids are happy ehen you arrive,but what do i do? Im just grumpy all the time,and my kids looks like they don't even care for me.That i will always be like that.But when i show a feel,all of them are suprised and starts to blow things up and then they ruin everything.Do you think i want to be like this all the time?Its not easy...",he gave him a littlr life speach.Goku was very suprised.He tought about words Vegeta just told him.He is right.Goku really is happy and thankful for everything Kami gave him.But what about Vegeta? If he make Happy face,everyone start to look at him and start to talk behind his back.So he never want to smile because of that.Thats really sad.Goku looked at him and sat down next to him.-" should really smile fits you",goku said.-"You're off the theme,Kakarot!",he groaned and looked away.Goku hughed him and put his head on his shoulder.-"Thank you Vegeta..",he said.Vegeta was now the one who was suprised.-"Wow,i haven't notice mum changed her hairstyle,died her hair,or started dressing like that",Trunks laughed from stairs.Goku sticked away from blushing Vegeta and laughed. -"UGH YOU LITTLE..",he jumped on his legs and started chasing him around the house while Goku was laughing so hard.He grabbed Trunks and put him behind his back so Vegeta can't slap him.-"Mom don't let him hit me!",Trunks teased and hide behind Goku who was still laughing.-"KAKAROT MOVE SO I CAN SLAP HIM!",Vegeta said pissed off.-"Calm my friend,he is only joking",Goku said.Vegeta crossed his arms and groaned.-"Dad,come on im joking",Trunks said and approached to him.-"Shut up boy!",he said and slapped him behind his head.-"Ouch!",Trunks grabbed back of his head.-"Vegeta!",Goku got mad.-"Ugh..FINE!",Vegeta looked at Goku and hugged Trunks.-"Okay,daad? Dad? Um..Vegeta?",he tried to escape but Vegeta's tight grip wont let him.-"Shut up boy..",he siad and smiled looking towards Goku who winked at him.

-I couldn't find a picture where Vegeta is hugging adult Trunks,so i put this one :)

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