Chapter 9 - Please Come Back

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"Mon cœur, pourrais-tu me donner les frites, s'il te plait?" Oliver asked from the bed, looking down at Will, spread out on the floor, with a pout on his face. The countdown to final exams had begun and Will had decided it was probably time to buckle down and get some study done. Oliver, ever the one to put things off with anything regarding schoolwork, decided watching Netflix with French subtitles on was good enough study. Though weirdly enough, his French had improve, so Will guessed that it sorta counted. 

But he wouldn't tell him that.

"Don't 'my heart' me, Ol, you can get the fries yourself, you're closer to them," Will replied snippily, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend before returning his attention back to the worn out copy of The Crucible in front of him. Will had reluctantly chosen to let the Vanessa Ainsthropp incident go when Oliver had explained that he'd panicked that day and he was very much sorry for what he had done. Will still wasn't entirely all that happy with the excuse, or Oliver really, but he decided the best thing to do was just move on.

"Mais mon chéri, mon bras est cassé! Je ne peux pas les obtenir moi-même!" the blonde begged again, sounding more and more like a whining toddler.

Will took a deep breath in, trying to squash the growing tides of annoyance and anger within him. "Your arm is bruised, not broken," he said as calmly as he could, trying to keep an even tone. "So you can get them yourself, lazy ass."

It was Oliver's own damn fault he'd bruised his arm anyway, Will didn't need to be his servant because of his own stupidity, trying to jump off the roof to do a cannonball into the pool. That idiot was damn lucky he'd only bruised his forearm when it hit the side of the pool and didn't break any of his bones.

A part deep in Will's mind questioned how all his boyfriends seemed to keep ending up getting hurt. 


"Mais mon nounours..." the blonde whined yet again.

"Oh my god Oliver, stop being so lazy and grab the damn fries yourself, I'm trying to study here!" Will snapped, slamming the side of his fist into the book below him in annoyance. Maybe he hadn't let everything go just yet. Well, more than likely, to be honest.

"Fine," Oliver muttered, not as fazed by Will's outburst as Will thought he'd be. He reached out for the bowl of fries that laid on the bedside table, making sure Will saw him 'wince' in pain. The brunette just glared at him in return. The blonde shrugged, taking a handful of fries and stuffing them into his mouth, chewing on them like he was a caveman. Will shook his head, returning his attention back to the book he was supposed to be studying.

"Wait, what does mon nounours mean?" Will asked a few moments later, realising he didn't know that word. It was a weird moment actually since, and not to sound too conceited, Will was miles better at French than Oliver was.

"My teddy bear," his boyfriend explained before taking another handful of fries.

"Where did you learn that one?" Will asked, though he had a good idea what the answer was. It was blaring from the TV.

"Netflix," Oliver answered. Of course, it wouldn't have been anything else. "From like, some French movie on there. I think it's a term of endearment, I guess? There definitely weren't any teddy bears in the scene so it would make sense, right?" he prattled on.

"Yes, Ol," Will agreed in exasperation. His patience was wearing thin today, and it was probably best for him to go home, but it was a bit after midnight, so no buses, and Oliver would kick up a stink if Will asked him to drive him home now.

"C'mon, why do you wanna leave? Just stay," he'd most likely say.

"'Cause you're getting on my tits and I kinda want to massage your face with a belt-sander right about now," is what Will would wanna say back.

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