Chapter 10 - You Used Me

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"Where did Will disappear to?" Dale asked as he returned, carrying three cups precariously in his hands that he'd spent way too long trying to get from the open bar. He handed a drink each to Emmie and Kimi, greeting Cash who hadn't been with them before, while sitting himself down across from them. They were sitting on some cheap plastic chairs in some random guy's backyard, Dale wasn't sure whose. It had been a while since he'd last gone to a high school party and, to be honest, he didn't miss it at all.

He wouldn't even be here at some guy's 18th if it weren't for Will. He was about 8 years older than everyone here and really shouldn't have been there at all. Damn Will, where the hell is he?

"He went off to the bathroom like 10 minutes ago," Emmie filled in, before chugging down the cider. This was the first party in a while where she wasn't designated driver and she was seizing the opportunity to get pissed.

"Slow down, Em," Kimi said, shaking her head at the blonde. "You should've just brought that bottle of vodka with us if you were gonna be an alco tonight, geez."

"Why would I bring a bottle of vodka when there's an open bar here," Emmie scoffed, shaking her head at her Asian friend. "Duh."

Kimi just rolled her eyes and passed her still full cup of cider to Emmie, not really in the mood to drink. Not cider, at least. The blonde snatched the cup from her hand and grinned widely before chugging down the entire thing in one go.

"So what happened with Will this time?" Cash asked, changing the subject. She hadn't been filled in yet, only having heard that something had gone down when she got a text from Dale to come to the party. Nothing much had been explained though.

"Oliver's being an ass again and Dale had to go pick up a crying Will at one in the morning, that's what's happening," Emmie filled in unhelpfully. "What else is new?"

"I don't know about that, Oliver hasn't been an ass," Cash defended the blonde boy, before conceding, "well, not the whole time." She had to be honest, Oliver had pulled some pretty asshole-y moves over the last few months, but he hadn't been as much of an ass as Emmie made him out to be.

"Ahh, pfft," Emmie dismissed her, blowing a raspberry in response. "I bet there's a ton of crap that guy's done that he's hiding from Will. I put $10 on it!"

"I thought you guys stopped betting on my love life?" Will asked, appearing behind Dale with a scowl on his face.

"We have, Emmie's just being an idiot," Kimi replied before asking, "what happened to you?" as she took in Will's appearance. His hair had been roughed up, t-shirt all scrunched and wrinkled, and a big red stain running down the front, making it look like the smiley face on it was crying blood. Creepy.

"That dancefloor is a killer. Some guys pulled me in to dance with them and they're bloody rough, jumping around and pushing each other and shit," Will explained, sitting down next to Dale. "Some guy was like, eating a sausage roll or something? I don't know. But I ended up with tomato sauce on my t-shirt," he continued on, scowling down at the giant stain on his t-shirt.

"I only snuck off when they got distract by Vanessa Ainsthropp's boobs," he finished explaining, shaking his head. He might hate her right now for being part of the reason why he and his boyfriend were 'on a break' at the moment, but currently, he was glad for her double D's.

"Where's Liv?" he asked, noticing the missing girl in their little group.

"On a date with Tyler but she'll try and come later," Cash answered. "Did you want to talk about what happened with you and Oliver last night?"

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