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I actually had a nightmare last night about you. In this dream, I relived everything you did to me all over again. You know as well as I do, that I have bad dreams frequently , the kind that wake you with a jolt, where you can't decipher reality from the dream. The kind you can't fall asleep again, because you're afraid it will continue.

I use to call you in the middle of the night and you'd stay up until I fell asleep on the phone. Whispering you were here and that you loved me, the only difference between then and now is, I actually could wake up from those. I can't wake up from this one, no matter how hard I pray I will.

Who am I going to go to now? Who's going to help me forget everything? Because the person id normally go to when the bad stuff happened, was you.

But you're my nightmare now, even in the day.

No matter where I go, everything reminds me of you. So here I am suffocating in my new found reality...

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