Our Adventure

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Picture above is him and I at prom. One of the best nights with him.

10/17/15 10:14pm

I think I just need to learn to be ok with myself again, I need to not take life or myself so seriously. And I've come along way since we dated, You pulled a lot out of me, but maybe it's time I learn to thank you for what you gave me and do the rest on my own. Loving you was fun, but it's time I learn to love myself with as much passion as I loved you with.

I think you should always rebuild yourself after every relationship. Because each relationship that doesn't work out, comes with a lesson. One of the hardest lessons. But hey, any lesson that's this difficult will make us grow.

And I can only imagine how far I will go with what you've taught me. I don't want to be bitter to you, but the pain is still a week old. I loved you with all I had, and I don't regret any of it. I know somewhere inside you , you loved me as well, but yours for now may still be a bit cloudy on what being in love with someone is about.

So I want to thank you, I want to thank you for being there when I was fighting with my family. I want to thank you for waking up every time I had a nightmare, I want to thank you for being there at my graduation, thank you for every smile, laugh, tear, laughter. I thank you for all the good and bad, and everything in between. I'll never forget you, you will always be reserved somewhere in my heart. So if you ever need me, know I'm here. I promised you thick or thin, and I've always been the one to keep my promises.

Thank you for my all the flowers you picked me or bought me, the surprise breakfast. All your compliments, every day you hugged me and kissed my forehead. For all the I love you, and words you left unsaid. Thank you for giving my first and last high school dance at prom an unforgettable one. And carrying me to the car because my feet killed me.

Thank you for waiting outside school for two hours just to see me because I was having a bad day. Thank you for taking care of me when my fever wouldn't break and not caring if you got sick in the process. Thank you for all the pictures of us, and all the quotes you've given me to feed my obsession with them. Thank you for my necklace at Christmas that I'm still wearing, or all the little things you did.

Thank you for being just you, I know that's not half of what you've done for me but I just wanted to let you know that I appreciated it all. Even when you didn't think I would, I have loved you through everything, and I always will in some type of way.

I don't regret any of it, and I just really want you to know it. I forgive you for what you did to me, but I'll never be able to forget. And that's ok, but know that I haven't forgotten all the other things you did for me.

I love you, and I wish you the best. Thank you for the memories, thank you for our adventure, it was quite the ride my love ...

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