Dad Quest (Part I)

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Based on the following prompt from trueoutlawqueenlove1: Do u know the film mamma mia?? Well i was thinking if u could do a one shot about that u know Regina is Donna the mother of Sophie and Robin could be Sam. But there if u do the chapter could Regina know who Sophie's father is.

I've adjusted a few things. I've decided to make Sophie younger and forego the whole marriage aspect. Hope you all enjoy!

This has morphed from a one-shot into a multi-chapter story. I had originally called this "Dad Quest" but since that really only covers the first two chapters, I've changed the name. The story is not so much about Sophie's quest to find her dad now but about the family that forms once she finds him.

Thank you to everyone who supported this when I thought it was a one-shot and who wanted more! Please enjoy!

Dad Quest (Part I)

"School's out!" Henry Swan let out a whoop as they exited the school yard. "Two whole months of freedom!"

Lily Draco shook her head. "Not completely. Mom's insisting I be productive and so I'm going to be doing odd jobs around her office."

"Your mom is a lawyer. That's going to be cool," Henry said. "And I did manage to convince my mom to go to a basketball camp this summer. What about you, Soph?"

They turned to the third member of their group, Sophie Mills. She sighed, tugging on her braided black hair. "I'm going to be helping Ms. Belle at the library. But there is more..."

She glanced around and then motioned for her friends to get closer. Henry and Lily leaned in as Sophie dropped her voice to a whisper. "I am going on Dad Quest this summer."

"Dad what?" Lily asked.

Sophie sighed. "I'm going to find my dad this summer."

"Why?" Lily stopped walking, facing her best friend. She crossed her arms. "You haven't needed him for ten years. Why bring him into your life now?"

Henry glanced around. "Why don't we continue this at our clubhouse?"

"Good idea, Henry." Sophie started walking ahead. She glanced over her shoulder at her friends. "Coming?"

After picking up snacks, the three friends settled into their clubhouse in the woods near the Mills' house. Lily settled in a worn beanbag chair, staring at Sophie. "So, why do you want to find your father?"

"We're all friends because we're children of single mothers," Sophie began.

Henry interrupted. "I think we're friends because our mothers are friends."

"Because they're single mothers," Sophie reiterated. "Now, I'm not saying our mothers aren't amazing because they are. But haven't you ever wondered about your father?"

"No," Lily said.

"Yes," Henry admitted before shrugging. "But with Mom getting closer to Killian, I've been fine with not knowing."

Sophie smiled. "Glad things are working out with him. But I wonder about my dad and I want to know who he is. I feel if I meet him, I'll understand myself a bit more."

"We're ten, Soph. That's a bit young to be having an identity crisis," Lily said.

Henry nudged her. "If Sophie wants to find her father, we should support her. That's what friends do."

"You're right," Lily sighed. She turned to Sophie. "Sorry. So, how are you going to find your father?"

"I'm glad you asked." Sophie smiled, reaching into her backpack. "Mom's been cleaning out the attic and I found this while we were up there."

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