Family Moments

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Regina and Sophie slept in the day after the ball, not waking up until lunch time. They sat at the kitchen table in their pajamas, Regina sipping at her coffee as she stared at her zombie-like daughter before suggesting: "Granny's?"

"Granny's," Sophie agreed before yawning. "Can we go in our pajamas? Please?"

She shook her head. "I'm afraid not. If you want to lay about in our pajamas, we can have the food delivered."

"Really? You're the best, Mom!" Sophie jumped up, hugging her. "I'll go get the menu from the kitchen!"

As Sophie ran into the next room, Regina pulled out her phone. She smiled to see there was a text message from Robin waiting for her and she swiped the screen to read it.

Good morning to my favorite ladies, though I hope you two got more sleep than I did. I'm off to pick up Roland. Perhaps we can pick up some lunch and eat with you and Sophie?

Sophie bounded into the room, waving Granny's menu. "Do you think milkshakes will make it here?"

"If the air conditioning is cranked up all the way, I'm sure," Regina replied, patting the chair next to her. "But what if Daddy picks it up and brings it here? Then all four of us can have lunch together?"

Her daughter lit up and her smile was radiant. "Really? That sounds wonderful! Have you spoken with him?"

"Not yet. Why don't we call him together?" Regina hit Robin's name and then turned on the speakerphone on her cell phone.

After a few rings, Robin's voice came over the speaker: "Hello, lovely."

"Hi, Daddy!" Sophie exclaimed, leaning closer to the phone.

Robin paused for a moment before chuckling. "Let me correct myself. Hello, lovelies. Did my Mills' girls sleep well?"

"We both slept like logs," Regina replied wryly. "How about you?"

"I'm amazed I made it to bed and didn't just fall asleep on the couch," he said before it sounded like the phone got jostled. "Sorry, I'm outside the rec center and the place is swarming with parents. I can't move an inch either way."

Regina nodded, recalling all the times she picked Sophie up and had contemplated using mayoral privilege to sneak in through the back. "Well, Sophie and I are accepting your offer to pick up lunch and then come eat with us."

"Great! I'm sure Roland will be thrilled and will want to tell you both all about his night," Robin replied. "Text me your orders and I'll let you know when we're on our way over."

"Will do. Can't wait to see you," Regina said, smiling at Sophie.

The girl leaned over. "Bye, Daddy! I love you."

Regina disconnected the call and then texted Robin their orders. She smiled at Sophie. "Let's go set the living room up for a picnic. How's that?"

Sophie cheered, running off to the living room. Regina followed at a slower pace, eager to see Robin again herself. Everything seemed freer now that they had admitted to their lingering feeling and had decided to try again. They could be themselves around each other and their children with no awkward tension between.

It was amazing.


Robin sat with his back against Regina's couch, watching as Roland regaled Sophie and Regina with stories about his night at the rec center. They gave him their undivided attention, Sophie cuddled against Robin's side. He wrapped his arm around her, rubbing her arm lazily.

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