Strange Questions with no answers

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I suppose in all good creepy stories, you should reveal who you are and you should reveal all the basic details needed to understand a story but I believe that in stories, the only thing that matters is what is important to you and what makes you think and is significant to you as a person. My name is Kian Lawley and I suppose what was most important to me was him. And I know what you're thinking, "What happened? Did you fall in love? Did it end badly?" and other questions like these and in a way, some of them are relevant but some of them I don't even know the answers to in my life today. I suppose in life some questions remain unanswered and some questions are supposed to make you think more and in a way, the unanswered questions in my life have made me think. And they all lead back to him. He's the reason I have questions unanswered. He's the reason I began to unfold who I was as a person. He's the reason my life is the way it is. It's all his doing and in a way, I thank him and in a way, I hate him for it. And I know that's a weird thing to feel towards someone but he meant more than I can explain. He pulled me out of a dark and long spiralling pattern in my life and he began to shape me into the person that I am today. In a way, you probably don't understand and in a way, are confused and for me personally, I can connect with you on that level. I am still confused and trying to understand my life the way it is and I suppose in life, you will always be confused and will always be trying to understand something that seems difficult. I will explain as this continues.

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