The change

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The night this all happened I remember vividly. I was at home with J.C and Dom and I got a phone call in the middle of one our drinking games and as I listened to the phone call, it felt that my whole world was on the edge of a cliff and it was completely falling apart and was falling around me as I stood numbly. What happen was that two of J.C and mine's best friends, Sam and Ricky were travelling home from a party in L.A that night and as they were driving, another car slammed into their car and both were killed on impact. I remember telling J.C and him smashing a window by throwing a chair through it and I remember collapsing and knowing who I needed to see. And that was Connor. I remember I drove to his house in the middle of the night, rung his doorbell and broke down in his arms as I explained what happened. I remember just sitting on his porch, his arms around me, just holding as I cried and shook because I was really upset and shock. What happened next really changed a lot between Connor and I. In a way, I actually look back with a little smile and giggles but I also look back and in a way, regret ever going that far with him. In a way, it was my fault and his at the same time.

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