Unfamiliar and Connor

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I remember after a while, Connor turned me towards him and he told me something that sparked something between us and in a way, lead to what happened next. He told me: "Kian. I don't understand what you are actually feeling and I am not going to try and understand but know that I am here and that I will support you in any way possible" before he leant down and slowly kissed me. My first instant was that I wanted to push him off me because it was strange that a guy was kissing me but then I relaxed into the kiss and as I did, it became more passionate and more slow as we both started to relax and became to get comfortable. For me, it was really strange but I actually did like it and I can't describe why I did. Something about it was familiar and something about it was comfortable and seemed like normality. I know that sound strange but I remember it left a strange tingling feeling after he pulled away from me. I remember him apologizing straight away and I remember I pulled him in closer and started to kiss him fast and slow while biting his lip, making him groan and making him smile in the middle of each kiss. Somehow it felt right at the time and what happened next, I don't actually regret. And before you say anything, I know that I have mentioned I am not gay at all but I actually liked what happened next and sometimes, you need to experiment with your sexuality and things in life. And I suppose I did exactly that.

After a while of me kissing Connor and him and I in a way, making out on the front of his porch, he mentioned to me that I was welcome to stay over and I remember smiling and after kissing him with a quick eagerness, Connor grab my hand and started to lead me up the stairs to his room. As we did, I kissed him with a slow, burning passion that made him groan and made him kiss me harder as we got closer to his room. When we approached his room, he grabbed my hands and took my shirt off in one quick movement until I was standing shirtless in front of him. I remember him kissing me up and down my chest which made me shutter and I remember in the middle of that, I took off his shirt and other clothes until we both were naked in front of each other. What happened next, I suppose changed a lot between Connor and I and like I said, I actually enjoyed it. I remember the how the rhythm of our bodies felt against each and how it felt like it was right and was something that had been done before. I remember the quick and slow kisses that made both us groan as it happened but what I remember most was the way Connor made me feel at this point. He was the one who was there at the time I needed him the most and I believe at the time that I really needed someone like that. I remember waking up the next morning and leaning over and kissing him on the mouth with all the passion I could summon and him kissing me back, slow and passionately. Little did I know that everything was about to change and in a way, Connor is the one who contributor to this change and like I have said previously, I don't hate him for it. I believe I loved him but I suppose sometimes fate can be deceiving and can trick you. And I suppose that what exactly happened to me. I was tricked by fate. This is how and even now, I still don't understand and I suppose I never will.

Fate or not?- Konnor Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now