Coffee and Fate with him?

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The next question I am guessing you have is who he is. I will explain who he is. He was the person who made me laugh and made me smile. He was the one who had and still has my heart and he's the person who I could tell everything to and understood me as a person as I was developing and changing. He was the person that I needed in my life at a low point and he was the person who dragged me out. To you, this probably sounds cliché and sounds pretty stupid because it's so cheesy and in a way, it is cheesy and it is as crazy as it sounds but what I have explained is what he did. I first met Connor Franta in Starbucks. He dropped coffee on me by accident because I remember him being in a rush and I remember him buying me a coffee and sitting and talking to me and getting to know me. At that point, I thought he was a nice and interesting person who had an amazing passion in photography and I remember smiling as he talked about his passion for photography. I remember receiving his number and hitting off with him from there. It was weird for me though. I had just met this guy by him dropping coffee on me which for me was the strangest way to meet someone like him. I suppose it could have been the universe's way of telling me that I needed him in my life in some weird way and today, I really actually do believe it was fate that I meet Connor but at the time, I didn't know what was about to happen and how it would change my life. That I will get to later. I suppose the next part you're all wondering is what happened after he gave me his number and whether or not we hooked up or not and to answer your questions, we did but after a while. That I will get to a bit later in the story because I suppose in a way it concerns the idea of me changing and me in a hard time in my life. I will explain things to you in time as a part of this story but I think I need to clear something up. I. Am. Not. Gay. At. All. Yes, I actually fell in love with Connor which I will explain to you later on in this story and yes, we both did things I actually cherished and enjoyed but I am not actually gay. At the time I met Connor in my life, I was questioning my sexuality but I know in my life today that I am not gay at all. Just clearing up any confusion. I will explain I suppose what happened after him spilling coffee on me. 

Fate or not?- Konnor Fan FicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon