I'd rather trade it all while somehow saving you [a Synyster Gates story]

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“…And the weather today, sunny, high in the mid 80’s, looks like it’s time to break out that sunscreen. And now back to Judy and Tom.” Said the overly boring weather man. Kate shut the TV off and went to her bedroom to get ready for work.

Kate was the assistant photographer at Andrea Amino. Andrea is famous for taking some of the most amazing photos of celebrities in New York. Kate was lucky to land this job. She started out as an intern with 15 other people. Andrea is not the easiest person to work for but Kate kissed up and it got her the job. Now she’s Andrea’s personal assistant. So what if the pay stinks and she has to majorly kiss ass. At least she can say she worked for one of the best. Kate pulled on a black lace cami then put a white button up dress shirt over it. Over that she put a black vest and a black and red tie. Then she put on a pair of tight black dress pants and black high heels. She brushed out her curly brown hair and left it down. She did her makeup and did a quick spin and checked herself in the mirror.

“Hot.” She said to herself with a smile. Then she picked up her purse from the floor and headed out.

The doorman smiled at her as she waited for a taxi.

“Looking good today miss Kate.” He said. His name was Phil. He’s been working for the building for 20 years now.

“Thank you Phil. “She said with a smile. Phil was a good man. He tried to look out for Kate as best he could.

A cab finally pulled up and she headed to work. The doorman for that building also knew Kate by name. Since she was often their way past normal hours.

“Hello Kate.” He said. She smiled.

“Hey Bill.” He opened the door and she went in. In the elevator, she saw her friend Torri. She was the hair and makeup artist here.

“Hey Kate.” She said. Kate smiled.

“Hello, any idea who were shooting today?” She asked. Torri shook her head.

“Not a clue. Guess we’ll both find out soon though.” The door opened and they went to their offices.

Kate’s was connected to Andrea’s and Torri’s was on the other side of the hall. Andrea was on the phone when Kate walked in. She sat down went through Andrea’s messages, looking for something important but today was all junk. Andrea poked her head in the door and looked at Kate

“Ah Kimmy, you’re finally here. Come the client is waiting in the warehouse. Bring down the equipment.” Kate nodded and stood up. Andrea was already half way to the elevator by the time Kate gathered up her equipment.

When she finally arrived to the warehouse, which was across the street, she saw an angry Andrea and 5 very familiar looking men.

“Finally Karen. Did you get lost on the way?” She asked her. Kate shook her head and looked down. Andrea sighed and clapped her hands.

“Ok, now that my slow assistant is here we can get started.” Kate looked up and suddenly it hit her who they were.

“Kara, this is Matt, Brian, Jimmy, Zacky, and Johnny.” She said pointing to each one of them in turn. Kate smiled. Today’s clients were the guys from Avenged Sevenfold!

I'd rather trade it all while somehow saving you[a Synyster Gates story]WTTYAWDSWhere stories live. Discover now