Chapter two

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They all waved when their name was said. Andrea grabbed the camera off of me and set up the tripod.

“Katherine, take the guys in the back for hair, makeup, and wardrobe.” Kate nodded and motioned for the guys to follow her.

When they got to the back, they all sat down on the chairs and small couch that was back there.

“Alright, so my name is Kate. Is there anything you guys want or need?” They all looked at her with confused looks on their faces. Zacky was the first to speak.

“Wait a minute wait a minute, I thought your name was Karen?” He asked. Jimmy was next.

“No I thought it was Kara?” Johnny was next.

No, no it was Katherine.” He said. Kate chuckled and shook her head.

“No I can assure you my name is Kate. Andrea sometimes forgets.” Brian shook his head.

“So your boss can’t remember her own assistants’ name?” Kate shrugged.

“Well is there anything you need?” They all shrugged.

“Coffee would be great.” Matt said. Kate nodded.

“Anything else?”

“A pack of smokes would be nice.” Brian said. Kate nodded again.

“Marlboro reds right?” She asked him. His eyes widened and she giggled.

“How’d you know?” He asked. All the guys laughed along with Kate.

“Well you have Marlboro tattooed across your knuckles for one thing. And I’m sort of a fan.” She said with a smile. Brian smiled and Kate turned and left.

About 20 minutes later, Kate returned with five black coffees and three tall mocha lattes for her Andrea and Torri. In her pocket was two packs of cigarettes. The guys were getting their hair and makeup done when she got back. Andrea was taking some test shots when she handed her the drink.

“Katie you are a blessing.” She smiled and went in the back.

Zacky Brian and Johnny were sitting around waiting to start. Kate set the drink carrier down and the guys attacked it. She giggled and took Torri’s drink to her. She was straightening Jimmy’s hair and Matt was tying a bandana around his head.

“Kate I love you!” She shouted and grabbed it from her. She laughed and went back into the other half of the room. Kate took one of the cigarette packs out of her pocket and dropped them in Brian’s lap. He smirked and opened them and lit one up then tossed the pack to Zacky who did the same thing.

Andrea walked into the room and clapped her hands.

“Alright everybody, it’s show time. Let’s do the group shots first then we’ll do the individuals.” The guys nodded and left their cigarettes in the ashtray.

Kate leaned against the makeup counter with Torri. She watched as Andrea arranged the guys just so and took a series of photos.

“Kelly! I need more film!” She shouted. Kate rolled her eyes and pushed herself off the counter.

“Sure thing Angela.” She said to Torri. Torri laughed and finished putting her things away.

Kate reloaded the camera and put the used film in the camera bag.

“Okay, now we’ll do the individuals. Matt, you’re first.” The rest of the guys came back to the back room and Zacky and Brian picked their cigarettes back up. They were talking amongst themselves and Torri was talking to Kate. Then Kate picked up her own camera and started taking shots of the guys just being themselves, not Synster Gates, Zacky Vengeance, The Rev, or Johnny Christ.

Two hours later, Andrea was finished and the guys were changing back into what they were originally wearing. Kate and Torri were still talking when Brian came up to them.

“So you guys coming to the show tonight?” He asked. Torri nodded and Kate shook her head.

“I wish, I’ll be stuck here developing all those pictures tonight.” Brian let out a puff of smoke and raised his eyebrow.

“You have to do that?” Kate nodded.

“Well that’s too bad.” He said. Kate nodded again and walked towards Andrea, who was packing up.

“Alright Kally, I need these done by morning.” Kate looked at her in shock.

“But Andrea that will take me all night.” Andrea shrugged.

“Well then you’d better get started.” Kate closed her eyes and Andrea walked past her into the back room.

“Thank you guys for coming out tonight, and I’ll see you tomorrow morning to show them to you.” Andrea said to them. Matt shook her hand and she walked out the door.

Kate picked up the equipment and followed Torri and the guys out. Brian turned to her.

“Too bad you’ll miss the show.” She rolled her eyes and headed back to her building. The guys got on their bus and drove away.

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