Chapter 2

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After two days of trying to message Amir, and trying to find the right conversation starter, Malaika gave up. She buried her face in her palms and let out a heavy sigh.
Why must I be so afraid all the time?

Because you're a failure.
The voices were visiting her again. This time they were slightly louder than before.
"Why are you back? Please...just leave me alone." She pleaded out loud.
We are the only friends you have dear. Without us, who would talk to you?
She wanted them to stop, but she knew they were right. Mali did not choose to be alone. Sometimes she longed for a friend. Someone who she could tell all her secrets and laugh with. But friends did not want her. Everyone wanted an attractive and confident friend.
What Malaika and everyone did not realise was that physical appearance could not make anyone beautiful, because true beauty comes from loving yourself. Sadly, that was something Mali could never do.

Her eyes burnt with approaching tears. She looked to her left and saw her silvery companion. It used to be a pencil sharpener, but now it was the one thing that numbed her emotional pain. She even named her blade. Lulu.

She took it and lay it against her skin. What happened next was a blur to her. All she knew was that Lulu helped her forget everything, and sleep peacefully. The pain was gone, but only temporarily.

Four kilometres from Mali's house, someone was trying hard not to relapse. It had been nearly two years since his last cut. He diverted his concentration to his cellphone, waiting for Mali's message or phone call.

He remembered something his mother always told him. "The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." She would tell him every night for two month until he started to realise that it was true. That verse and his mothers love was what got him through almost two years without cutting. He thought of Mali and how he had realised her broken, forced smile. He instantly noticed how she is what he used to be and the suffering luminated in her eyes only confirmed it.

A/N~ Hey! Thank you for reading this chapter!!
Don't be a ghost reader!!

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