Chapter 6

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At age 20, Mali was excelling in university. Scoring highest in all her classes, whilst being awarded several trophies each year. As for her friendship with Amir, it only got stronger each day. They knew each other so well, that they could tell how one's day was just from their posture.

"We're going to be late for work if you don't hurry up and send that e-mail." Amir said, exaggerating an exasperated tone. They both still worked at the coffee shop since the salary was satisfactory, compared to other shops of that kind. 

"Jeez, no need to rush me. If I don't do this now, procrastination will get the best of me." She quickly sent her assignment that was only due in a week, and packed up. Amir chuckled at her use of the word ''procrastination'' because it was like it did not exist in her vocabulary.

When they arrived at the coffee shop, Amir opened the door for Mali, and followed her inside. They were welcomed by the calming aroma of freshly brewed coffee. "I'll never get enough of that smell," Amir commented. Mali gently smiled and nodded.

As their shifts went on, Mali couldn't help but think what life would be like if Sarah was still alive. Mali missed her contagious smile, and her free spirited character. The reason why she committed suicide was still a mystery to Mali.

"What are you thinking about?" Amir asked whilst resting his chin on her shoulders.

"Umm, nothing really."

"It's definitely something. Your forehead had creases and you looked out in the distance. That right there is what you do when you're deep in thought."

"Talk about stalker tendencies."

"We've been friends for quite a while, silly. Obviously I would know all of this. So Missy, what were you thinking about? Seems like it's serious."

"Mmm, it's nothing much really. Now get back to work before we both get into trouble." She said with a forced laugh. Her fake laugh didn't go unnoticed by Amir. When she smiled genuinely, you could tell by the happiness that sparked in her eyes. 

Cautiously, he hugged her, "you know, God hears every single prayer. He's just waiting for you to send Him one." He whispered in her ear. Mali laughed dismissively and Amir knew that was his cue to get back to work.

Since she was seventeen - after the prayer with Amir - Mali had been curious about God. She didn't tell Amir though because that would make her feel vulnerable. And she hated feeling vulnerable. It somehow made her feel like someone could control her feelings so easily. 

She had been curious about how God works. She even thought about all the times God could have probably been looking out for her. One circumstance really stuck out to her. When her mother got custody of her, instead of her abusive father. No one knew he was abusive except for her and her mom. He had a strong case as to why he had the right to stay with her. Her father was rich, had a secure job, a big lavish house and masked his vile side very well. These feelings tightened her stomach. She didn't want to believe that God was really looking out for her. 'If he really cared, he wouldn't have given me such a father in the first place.' She thought. Once again, she was blinded from the truth.

Amir looked up at Mali worriedly, from the table he was serving. He sent up a quick but hearty prayer.


By the time Mali got home, the sun was setting. She stopped to observe how the sun sunk behind the horizon. It started to drizzle and her inner pluviophile was beginning to surface. The rain felt like minute tingling massages against her skin. The aromatic compounds of the petrichor manoeuvred around her. Mali felt her body begin to calm and felt a slight wave of rejuvenation. She didn't care that her hair was going to shrink up, and that she would have to pamper it so that it looks neat he next day. She didn't care that she was at risk of catching a cold. And she most definitely didn't care that a few people glanced at her as they drove past her.


A/N: Hey!!! Finally an update! I had to write this chapter because I'm only going to get busier from here.Hence why it's so short! I hope you like it!

This chapter is unedited, so grammar Nazis feel free to correct me!

Thoughts- I don't really like the picture that represents Mali (It's attached to chapter 1). I think Im going to change it quite soon. Even for Amir. I'm really indecisive! SORRY! Have a beautiful day/evening wherever you are! 

God bless,


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