Chapter 4

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Amir and Malaika's friendship blossomed quite quickly. They talked every time they got a chance, and they met up at the coffee shop after Amir's shift every Friday afternoon.

Amir prayed for Malaika every night without fail. He would ask God to protect her and show her The Light. He also prayed for himself, that he may be a good influence to her. 

"Order anything you want Princess, I'm paying this time." Every time Amir called her 'Princess', Malaika would slightly blush and hide it behind a neutral smile. She was gradually warming up to Amir. It was not easy for her considering he was the first person who had actually put an effort with her in a long time. 

"Hmmm, fine. I don't know why you make such a fuss about who pays."

"Because, my lady, I'm a gentleman."

They ordered two French lattes and two bran muffins . It was nearly routine for them to have the same meal on Fridays.

"Name something that makes you smile." Amir said out of the blue.

"There's way too many. Um, good morning texts, definitely long goodbyes when you hug for so long and both of you don't want to part,  that silence that isn't awkward but just comfortable, kisses on the forehead and holding hands. Even though I haven't experienced any of that, I'm sure it would feel really satisfying. That's about it. What about you?"

"Wow. Hmm, there's a lot for me, but only one thing that stands out- knowing that God's got me no matter what. The others would probably be knowing that I've made someone smile, drinking warm milk and my dog Roxy." 

Amir knew very well that he had made Malaika uncomfortable by mentioning God. He noticed the slight crease that had formed on her forehead and that made him regret what he had said. But, as soon as the regret came, he remembered the verse Romans 1:16-17, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, "The righteous shall live by faith.""  The verse came to him like a soothing whisper in the café. It certainly reassured him. 

Silence fell upon them and it was starting to get awkward. Malaika cleared her throat, "I-I have to go..." Malaika stood up and walked towards the door. When she was outside, she released a heavy sigh. As she started to make her way back home, a hand grabbed her and stared directly into her eyes.

"Why did you leave?"

"I told you. I have to go."

"You do realise that it's 3 o'clock, and we only leave together at 5 o'clock."

"Fine. I lied. Okay? I can't stand it when you talk about your god. He has done nothing for me."

Amir realised that this would soon turn into a fight if he said the wrong words. He remembered that if he wanted Malaika to know Jesus, he would have to love like Jesus and she will see Him through his actions.


"Okay? Is that all you are going to say?" She wasn't used this type of treatment. No one blaming her for anything. Or picking a fight where there's a great chance of one. All Amir had been was amazing to her.

"What do you want me to say? Blame you for not wanting to listen? Ridicule you? Malaika, I'm not like the other people who came into your life and left. I have been your friend for over five months now. Or does our friendship mean nothing to you at all?"

"It's not like that Amir. I'm just so used to the hurt. It's like being in a boxing ring, and waiting for the blow that you can feel approaching."

He pulled the hand that he was still holding and hugged her. His grip tightened as if he was scared that she would walk off. She listened close to his heartbeat whilst a tear escaped from her against her will. He cupped her face, and wiped her tears gently. with his thumb. Embarrassed, she looked down.

"I'm sorry." Malaika looked at him, puzzled. "Not that I mentioned God, I mean about all the hurt you have had to face. And I'm sorry that I wasn't there to comfort you. But I'm here now."

A/N- Hey love bugs❤️, yep, Chapter 4 is here. Not edited though, so I'm sure there are quite a number of mistakes.

The picture right at the top is Roxy. She's a beaut!

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