Chapter 8

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Back to long sleeved shirts and make up to cover her darkened eye bags. Mali walked into the coffee shop, tired and with a longing wish for the day to end. As soon as she saw Amir, she covered her pain with a masked smile to prevent Amir from worrying. 

"Hey," Amir said with his charming smile. He noticed the minute Mali walked into the shop that something was wrong, but he couldn't pinpoint it yet. Her smile said one thing but her eyes and body language said the other. 

"Uh hi. Sorry I missed your call yesterday. I was...busy," She said looking past him to hide her lie.

"It's cool.How are you?"

"I'm...great. Yeah great." Mali's over exaggerated smile gave it all away. Amir began to examine her cautiously. 

A customer broke their conversation before Amir could ask further questions. "Hey can you turn the AC on, it's quite hot today."

Amir turned on the AC as Mali went to serve customers at her station. He continued to glance at her whilst she worked, since his station only had one customer. His thoughts were mapped around Mali. 'There's something wrong with her Lord. I can't tell what it is, but please help me be there for her.' He silently prayed for strength for Mali and for him to be strong and be the helping hand she needs. Tears threatened to surface as he remembered the daunting time when he was just like Mali. A time when he was alive but not living. 


He remembered that verse like a soft whisper washing over his heart. Amir knew God was working in Mali's heart. She rarely asked questions about Him but Amir knew she was curious. The questions she asked were more than just questions. They were more like a search for peace and understanding.  A search for a deeper meaning of life than just being born and dying at the end. 

"Mali, aren't you feeling hot?" He asked her as she approached him.

"Uh not really."

He noticed her eyes narrowed and body tensed up. 'Lord what's going on?'  He carried on wiping the counter to avoid her noticing his worry. His heart began to beat harder. Something was really wrong. 

He went to the locker room to take a breather. He unlocked his phone to check the weather report for the rest of the day. 25 degrees Celsius. Great. 

Amir remembered that Mali was wearing a long sleeved shirt, and it had been hot since the morning. 

"No..." He whispered, "it can't be. She's been clean for over a year now. She couldn't have." The dots connected and he was hurt. Hurt that he wasn't there to help her. The missed phone calls. The heaviness in his heart. Her low spirits. It all made sense. 

Amir composed himself as tears tears lodged in his eyes. Softly, he cleared his throat and wiped his eyes. 'Lord, help me be strong. For Mali' He said a quick prayer as he took a deep breathe out. 

He walked back in the main area. Mali looked fragile and all he wanted to do was hug her.

"Shift over. Let's get going?" Mali said.

They walked outside and after the first left turn Amir stopped. In response, Mali also stopped and looked up at him. Amir looked into the distance then looked back at Mali. Gently, he pulled her left hand and embraced her warmly.

"Amir...what's goi..."

"Shh it's okay Mali. I'm here now."

She was confused at first, then realized that Amir must have realized that something was wrong.

"How did you..."

"What? You thought I wouldn't notice? Mali," He took a deep breathe. "I'm sorry I didn't pick up your call last night." 


"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you Mali. I know you don't exactly believe in God, but can I pray for you real quick?" He noticed her body begin to slightly shake.

"In the middle of the pavement?"

"Uh yeah." Mali stared at him the nodded. 

He prayed for her right there and then. In the middle of a busy pavement. With people passing by and some even staring. Her body continued to shake and the tears she was sheltering in her eyes rushed out. 

But, even at that moment, in the heat, in the middle of the pavement, she felt a shiver down her spine. She knew God was reaching out to her from the questions she had asked Amir. She knew God was knocking on her heart and it was time to open the door and let him in. She was scared. Change is scary, but she knew letting fear take a hold of her was no option.

She wanted to let Him in. She wanted so badly to turn to God, but the thought of Sarah's suicide still gripped her mind. 

'God, if you are real, how could you let a child commit suicide? Sarah was my best friend. School was a living hell without her and you know it. How could you let me suffer so much?'

Her thoughts were filled with anger and confusion and Amir could feel it. His own tears surfaced and he hugged her even tighter.



Hey guys! Long time no read? Exams are finally over which means more writing for me and more reading for you!! 

I hope your all having a blessed day/week/month. Remember God is there wherever you are and He is waiting for you to respond to Him. His arms are stretched out wide and waiting for you.

This chapter is not edited (just like the others).

If you'd like to know me more click the video at the top!

Lots of love,

Ellaine xx

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