Chapter 3

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Weeks passed, and all Amir could think about was her. He desperately wanted to hug her, feel her cotton-like hair, and show her that everything will turn out according to the prodigious plans that God has for her. Her glinting, cloud grey eyes, invaded his imagination. He knew that there was so much more to her that he ached to know.

Amir had finished high school last year. He was taking a gap year just to take a break from the stressful school life. Even though he was a straight A student, he had worked excruciatingly hard. Persistently, he studied day and night and made sure he could sing out all equations, and rap most of his notes. That's all he focused on. School and his music. He played several instruments, and even though he was not the greatest musician, he tried his absolute best. He gave his all in everything he did, and that was inveterate. 

Amir hurriedly-even though he was early- walked to the coffee shop, for his shift. As customers filled the coffee shop, Amir hoped for the girl with the faint, but beautiful smile to show up. After two hours of serving customers and hoping for Malaika to enter, he gave up. All he wanted was to be friends with her and show her that in a sea of lost souls, God still gives hope. 

The three hour shift went by quickly. Amir let out a pained sigh. As if on cue, Malaika entered the coffee shop. He noticed that her eyes were burning with fresh tears. Instantly, he felt needles pricking at his heart. Malaika sat at the far corner to the left. Since Amir was off his shift, he couldn't serve her, even though he wanted to so desperately. When the other waiter finished taking her order, Amir approached Malaika's table. He touched the chair and asked if he could sit down. When he was given the permission to sit down, he did so.

"You've been crying. Wait, that's weird. Sorry. Hi." 

Malaika looked away, embarrassed.

"I didn't mean to be so forward."

She sniffed. "It's okay."

"What's your name?"

"M-Malaika. You must be Amir."

"Hmmm, Malaika, gorgeous name. And yes, I'm Amir. If I remember correctly, someone was supposed to message me two whole weeks ago."

"Umm, well, I didn't know what to say."

"A 'hey' would have absolutely great."


Amir pushed his cellphone towards her. "Now, put your number in my phone so that next time you don't know what to say, I'll say something first."

Malaika was shocked at the fact the Amir actually wanted to talk to her. She did as he said and gave him her number. A small smile was playing at her lips. She looked at him cautiously, noticing all his features. His welcoming dark brown eyes, his athletic build, and his silky black hair.

There was a comfortable silence. Malaika's order arrived and she said bye to Amir. She already knew by their very quick conversation, that something about Amir was curiously interesting. She slowly walked back to her house. She took out her phone from her pocket and texted Amir.



Hey, thanks for reading :)! 

Oh my gosh! I haven't updated in such a while! Haha. Well, here's chapter 3! 

Don't be a ghost reader:)!

Oh, and YEESSSS, the picture is Amir!


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