Chapter 5

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Earth has no sorrow that Heaven can't hear

Malaika began to trust Amir. She had no choice. Amir would make sure Malaika knew he was always there for her. He wouldn't go a day without saying it. "You know, I'll always catch you before you fall. I'll never let you reach rock bottom," he'd always say with a smile playing at his lips. "And I know you only trust actions and not words, so I'll prove it to you." He would add after a slight pause.

Her heart was warming up to him and there was nothing she could do about it. 

"Please apply for the job! Please. Please. Please!" Amir was trying to convince Mali to apply for the cashier job at the coffee shop. 

"Amir, no. My social skills are horrible. I'll stutter and feel really awkward."

"Are you stuttering now?"


"See? You can totally do this!"

"Fine! You pester me so much! Remind me to buy some pest control on my way home." She quickly filled in the application sheet before she could change her mind. "Happy?"

"Very. Now give the paper and I'll talk to the manager." His face was beaming with an excited smile. Stay right here and I'll be back in a bit." 

Impatiently, Mali waited for Amir. She started analysing her fingers as if they were a piece of art.

"You got the job." Amir whispered behind the preoccupied Mali causing her to jump.

"Does this place by any chance have some pest control spray somewhere because I need it now!"

"I think the right phrase is 'thank you Amir, you're the absolute best.' Don't you think?"

"Uh, whatever. How did I get the job anyway? He hasn't even met me."

Amir explained his mischievous deed. He had thrown away all the other applications that were in the application tray, and made the manager feel desperate to hire Mali. "You start tomorrow. And, I managed to make your shift the same time as mine, so, I'll be seeing your face everyday after school."

Mali was already feeling nervous. Her mind thought of all the worst case scenarios. She wanted to tell Amir that she wasn't ready for the job, but she did not want to disappoint him. She faked a smile and pretended to be as excited as Amir was. Amir noticed the emptiness in her excitement, but didn't mention it. "I have to catch up on homework. I'll message you when I'm done."

"Okay. Be careful and message me when you get home."

As Mali was skimming through homework that was only due in another three days, she smiled. Not just a grin or a meaningless smile. A smile that made her feel warm and fuzzy. What on Earth is happening? She thought. Realisation hit her like a stream of cold water. Amir. She was thinking of Amir when her lips tingled then let out a beautiful smile.

She didn't know what to say or do. All these feelings were alien to her. From missing Amir as soon as they parted, to smiling when she thought of him. 

He's too good for you...

Forget him...

You'd be a burden to him...

The voices were torturing her once again. They always spoke louder when they noticed the slightest smile. 

"Don't do this to me. Not now." She checked her phone and it was just after ten pm. 

'You know, I'll always catch you before you fall. I'll never let you reach rock bottom. And I know you only trust actions and not words, so I'll prove it to you.'

She remembered what Amir always told her and she called him instantly. "I need you..." 

Nearly thirteen minutes later, she heard a loud knock on the front door, where she was waiting for Amir. Swiftly, she opened the door and hugged him.

"The voices. Their back. I can't...I can't do this anymore." She whispered in his chest with tears burning her eyes. 

"It's okay Mali. I'm here." He said whilst stroking her back softly. 

They walked up to her bedroom and Mali cried in Amir's arms until she was calm.

"Where's your mom?"

"Business trip."

"Wait. You're here alone?"

"Yeah. You do realise that I'm seventeen right? I can take care of myself for about two weeks whilst she's gone."

"I have a question. And please don't get angry."

"Okay. Shoot."

"Do you mind if I prayed with you?"

"Ummm," her neck down to her lower back tingled she felt a cold wind rush through the open window. "Okay."

"Oh Lord in Heaven. My heart is grieving! These voices that taunt Malaika have caused nothing but harm in her life. I know that these voices are not sent by You, and anything that does not come from You comes from the enemy.Please walk beside Mali as she is struggling. Please also walk beside me and let me be a good friend to Mali,. Give us strength to wake up every morning and face the day with Your armour. I am relying completely on Your strength right now because I have none. I love You, Lord. Amen"

When he finished praying, Amir noticed more streams of tears in Mali's eyes. And that's when he knew that God had touched her heart.


A/N Hey lovebugs❤️! I hope you're all well!

Hmmm, this chapter, I love it! Probably my favourite chapter at the moment. 

The song is Lord I Need You by Chris Tomlin. Funny story, this song actually just landed in my lap. I was randomly on YouTube as I was typing out this chapter, and I came across this song and I instantly fell in love with it. It's such a great reminder that no matter what we're going through, God is the one that we need to trust and confide in. Ah! This song is such a tear trigger! 

Stay blessed!

-Ellaine x

P.S I haven't edited this chapter or the one before. I have exams next week! But as soon as exams are done I will definitely correct all errors and stuff.xx

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