Chapter 7

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(Zafira's P.O.V)

I was on Edmund's back and went inside my house

Lucy: Zafira? What are you doing on Edmund's back?

Me : well first is that he apologized to me and second I was lazy to walk all the way here :) so he did me a favor * I kiss edmund's cheek*

I saw Edmund blush and Susan looked at us with a smirk on her face that says * I knew it* and I smile innocently at her

Peter : anyway since it's 12:00p.m we can go outside and play cricket if you all want to

Edmund : I will!

Johnny:Me too !

Susan : I prefer to read my book but I will go outside and see the game

Lucy : I don't know how to play, so I'm not playing but I will watch:)

Me : I'll watch

So we headed outside and Peter,Edmund and Johnny started playing. It was Edmund' s turn to bat and Peter it's the pitcher,then Peter throw the ball at edmund and Edmund bat it and the ball went throw one of the window and we all gasped except. We ran inside the house where there was a hole in the window

Susan : look what you guys did !

Lucy : OMG, mr Mcrady is going to kill us!

Peter : it's your fault Edmund!

Edmund : Me?! You balled it!

I heard footsteps

Me : I hear footsteps !

Lucy : Ms Mcready come on we got to go !

We all ran in to the doors upstairs, and started searching . Until Lucy open the door where the wardrobe was and we all went in

Johnny : don't just stand there come on, this is the only way come on chop chop!

Edmund : you got to be kidding me !

We all Went to the wardrobe and I closed the door

Susan : OW! Peter you step on my foot!

Peter: Sorry!

Lucy : Johnny you pinched me!

Johnny : sorry Lucy!

Edmund : Ow!

Me : ow !

Then we all fall in to Narnia Snow

Susan : Impossible

Peter : OMG! How?

Edmund : I'm I a dreaming!

Lucy and Johnny were holding hands and giggling at Susan,Edmund and Peter and I was laughing with my arms crossed with a look that said " I told you,but you guys didn't believed us"

Susan : you guys were right! , it was true, OMG! I'm sorry I didn't believe in neither of you!

Peter : I don't believe if you accept our apology ?

Edmund : I'm sorry I didn't believe you guys especially you Zafira * with a hint of blush in his cheek*

So cute!

Me : it's alright Edmund I accept your apology* with a smile and hug him and he hug back*

Then Lucy grab a handful of snow and throw it at peter's face

Lucy : apology accepted * laugh*

Peter : why you..* throws towards her but accidentally hit Susan *

Susan playfully glared at him and grab a ball of snow and hit me with it

Me : oh! It's so on!

We all a snowball fight, then we got tired so Lucy told them about mr tomnus

Johnny :guys we should visit mr tomnus

Lucy : yeah we can introduce him to everyone !

Me : come on !stay close you guys don't want to get lost in these woods

Peter gave us our coats but Edmund' s was wearing a girls coat, he look adorable in that coat

Edmund: Peter this is a girls coat!

Peter : I know!* with a smirk*

Edmund scowl at him but I went next to him and whispered

Me : you look adorable in that coat * I smile and and grab his hands *

Edmund : t- thanks * studdered with a blush *

Then we all went on our way to mr tomnus house.

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