Chapter 11

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Zafira's P.O.V

We came back to the damp after the whole witch thing. Feeling confused and hurt of why Edmund did what he did. I was so lost in thought that I didn't here the voices around me and found out there wolves after us.

Mr. Beaver:! hurry the wolves are coming come on quickly!

Mrs. Beaver: right then...

Susan: What is she doing?

Mrs. Beaver: Don't worry, you'll thank you me later it's a long journey and a beaver gets cranky when he's hungry.

Mr. Beaver: !I'm cranky now!

Johnny: Do you think we should bring jam?

Me: Only if the Witch has toast.


Mr. Beaver: This should lead to Aslan's

Mrs. Beaver: I thought it lead to your mums!

Lucy: They're in the tunnel!* hugging Johnny's waist*

Me: !come on run!

We ran and came to a dead end

Mrs. Beaver: You should have brought a map!

Mr. Beaver: There was no room next to the jam!

He jumps out of the hole. Everyone else follow. Once Peter gets out, Lucy falls on a bunch of stone things. Lucy gets up with the help of Johnny and Peter. They all see stone animals!

Mr. Beaver: He was my best mate! *cries*

Susan: What happened to them?

Fox: This is what happens to the enemies of the White Witch.

I jump and saw a sandy fox with kind eyes that looked like my father in a weird way I feel like I could trust him of course it was a cute one and the first fox I ever saw in my life.

Mr. Beaver: Stand still there traitor.

Fox: Relax, I'm one of the good guys* made eye contact with me for a brief second and smile at me*

I of course smiled back.

Mr.. Beaver: Well you look mighty like one of the bad guys.

Fox: An unfortunate family resemblance, but we can discuss family breeding late right now we need to move.

Peter: What do you suggest?

Fox looks up and I got the message he wanted us to climb the tree behind us which I might ad is a huge tree.

Me: what if you get hurt? * I asked crouching to my knee. He approach me and put his large nose on the side of my cheeks

Fox: do not worry your highness ill be okay. Now go, there coming fast. * I gave him a kiss on his nose and follow the others to climb the tree with the help of Peter and Johnny. And let me tell you if a fox were human he would've blush.

The Fox stays on lower ground, All of us are in a tree...the wolves approach they break through barrier as Fox is out in the center swishing his tail like a broom. Which its quite amusing to see.

Fox: Evening gents, Did we lose something?

Wolf: Don't patronized me, I know where your allegiance lies. We are looking for some humans

Fox: Humans in Narnia, now that's some valuable information

Maugrim: Where are they?!!! * then one of the wolves bite fox on the neck and fox cried out in pain*

I let out a whimper and tear fell out on my cheeks, Peter shushes me and let me put my head on his shoulder so I didn't look at the horrible sight. the fox looks around hopelessly, and then hangs his head in shame

Fox: They , they , were heading North.

Maugrim: Quickly, smell them out.

They cast aside the fox , where he lays whimpering on the ground. I was the first one to climb off the tree and held his head on my lap

Me: you promise me you were not going to get hurt * sobbing*

Fox: your highness please don't cry im okay its just a bite it will heal.

Me: im sorry I just feel attached to, you have the same eyes as my father once had and I feel like I should trust you

Fox: im glad you care about me your highness its a great pleasure to feel cared about for once I appreciate it and just so you know your like a daughter to me. * he caress my cheek with his cold nose an I giggled because it kind of tickles.

Mrs.. Beaver and I help patching up Fox, as the others settled down in front of the bonfire.

Lucy: are you all right?

Fox: Well, I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite.

He winces in pain, and continues to talk

Mrs. Beaver: Stop squirming! You're worse than beaver on bath day

Mr. Beaver: Worst day of the year

Susan, Lucy and I giggled

Fox: Well I am afraid that is all the healing I have time for.

Me: You're leaving?* I asked looking at him with tears that were about to fall from my eyes*

Fox: Im terribly sorry but yes im leaving It has been a pleasure my Queen. I have been asked by Aslan HIMSELF to gather more troops.

Mr. Beaver: You've seen Aslan!

Mrs. Beaver: What is He like?

Fox: Like everything we have ever heard He'll be a good help fighting the White Witch

Susan: We are not planning fighting any witch

Fox: Surely King Peter...

Peter :We just want to get our brother back.

Fox: well im pretty sure war or no war you will always be king and queens of Narnia and you will be able to get your brother safe and sound. My journey stops here I may go but will see each other pretty soon your highness and that goes to you zafira
Me: ill miss you in the mean time* crouching to his height and gave him hug and a kiss on his furry cheeks*

Fox: as will I* liking my cheeks and with one final look he left towards the woods and Johnny came next to me and hold my hand to comfort me that he will be okay and meet again*

Mr. Beaver: come on dear lets rest here as of tomorrow first thing in the morning will get a move on

With that we ate fish sticks and go our rest till the morning. But it doesn't mean I miss Edmund I just hope he's okay and wishing to see him again with that I let my eyes closed and rest .

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