Chapter 19

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Cair Paravel, horns blowing. Today they crown the Kings and Queens of Narnia

The coronation of the Pevensies and the Princeton Diggory began.

They walk up the aisle happily, and stand next to their cool chairs.

Aslan: Bring forth the crowns!

Tumnus and Mr. Beaver bring out the crowns.

As they put on her crown

Aslan: To the glistening eastern sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant. To the light of the Moon, I give you King Johnny the idealist.

Zafira looked at her younger brother and thought '' Mom and Dad would have been proud''. He smiled at her way and she did the same.

Aslan:To the great western woods, (puts his crown on) King Edmund the Just.

Next to Edmund,Zafira, smiles at him when they put his crown on.

Aslan: To the wonder of Earth. I give you Queen Zafira the defender.

Zafira smiled at Mr. Tumnus when he put the crown on her head. He gave her a wink. She looked next to her and saw Edmund looking at her lovingly. She giggled and Edmund snapped out of it and blushed of what happened.

Aslan: To the radiant southern sun, (puts crown on) Queen Susan the Gentle. (crown put on) And to the clear northern skies, King

Peter the Magnificent. Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen.

Everyone: Long live King Peter! Long live Queen Susan! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Zafira! Long live Queen Lucy! And Long live King Johnny!.

Edmund was looking for Zafira when he saw her he made his way towards her. Zafira glance in front of her and saw Edmund walking towards her with a smile.

Edmund: hi

Zafira: well hello King Edmund

He chuckles then look at her while placing his hands towards her.

Edmund: may I have this dance?

She smiled and bite her lip

Zafira: you may

Edmund lead her to the dance floor. Then put his hands on her hips and hers around his neck. He was thinking this is the perfect time to ask her something he wanted to do for the longest. He bite his bottom lip and stopped dancing. Zafira looked at him confused.

Edmund: Zafira... Can I ask ... You something...

Zafira: of course

He glanced at his feet, bite his lips again and took a deep breath. He looked at her deeply into her eyes.

Edmund: will you be my girlfriend?

Zafira immediately smiled wider than she ever had before and took his face in her hands and kiss his soft lips. Edmund kiss back. Zafira pulled away and smiled once again at him.

Zafira: does that answer your question?

Edmund nodded and they dance again. Zafira saw Johnny and Lucy dancing together rather close. She knew Johnny had a huge crush on Lucy since they came to there grandfather's house. All she knew is that everything began to be perfect in Narnia.

Years Later

Older Peter, Susan,Lucy,Johnny, Edmund and Zafira were riding there horses when Zafira notice her fiancé Edmund , yes Edmund ask her to marry her, slow down. She stopped her horse named Selene and went to him and Philip.

Edmund: You alright there Philip?

Philip: Not as young as I used to be?

Susan: Come on Ed.

Zafira: you alright Ed?

Edmund: yeah.Just catching my breath

Lucy: What did he say, Johnny?

Johnny: I don't know my love

Susan: You girls stay at the castle, I'll go get the stag myself.

Peter: What is this? 

They get off their horse when they see a familiar light post.

Susan: It seems like a dream...

Lucy: Or a dream of a dream...Spare Oom

Zafira thought "Where have I heard that word and this post?"

Lucy began to walk further in the trees.

Peter: Lucy! Not again

Lucy: Come on!

Johnny was the first one to follow her.

Edmund: She always running off 

Peter: These aren't branches...

Zafira: There coats

Susan: ow! My foot!

Peter: hey! Watch it! Ed!

Edmund: it's not my fault! Hey who hit my bum!

Zafira: opps sorry ed. Ow! Johnny was that you!

Johnny : sorry...

Wardrobe door flies open and all six fall on floor, the door to the room opens and the professor walks in with the ball. Everyone was confused of what happened. They were older in Narnia and now there back to there self again. Zafira glanced at her ring finger and saw her engagement ring not there anymore. She frown and looked at her grandfather.

Professor: There you are. Now what were children doing the wardrobe?

Peter: You wouldn't believe us if we told you

Professor throws ball to Peter and with a twinkle in his eye...

Professor: Try me

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