Chapter 12

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Edmund's P.O.V

Three days I've been here in these chains at the witches palace. I attempt to eat the

food that they been given, but there frozen and cold and I spits it out, because of its

taste. I try the drink which is also frozen. Then throw it on the tray. Oh how I wish I didn't betrayed my family and Johnny but most of al Zafira , she will never forgive me im so stupid. I was so busy thinking that I didn't notice someone in the prison beside me that startled me a bit

??: Are you going to eat that? (from the other prison)

I gave him the food. But a bit curious that he look like the tumnus Lucy knew

Me: Mr... Tumnus.

Mr. Tumnus: Your Lucy Pevensies brother

Me: Im Edmund

Mr. Tumnus: You have the same nose

I rub my nose. Its true me an Lucy have the same nose

Mr tumnus: Is your sister alright? Is zafira ok? Are they safe?

Me: I... I don't know!

White Witch comes in and they go back to their places

White Witch: My wolves tore that dam apart, your little family and there insolent little conniving relatives was nowhere to be found.

(Lifts Edmund off the ground) Where are they?!

Edmund: I don't know..

White Witch: Then you are no longer any use to me...Guard

Edmund Wait they said something about Aslan

White Witch: Aslan! Where?

Mr. Tumnus: Stranger has only been in Narnia a short...* they hit him on the head)

Edmund: I left before I could hear anymore... I wanted to see you again.

White Witch: Guard!

Guard: Yes, your majesty

White Witch:Release the Faun (Guard hit  the chains and

Tumnus cries out in pain as they drop him by the Witch) Do you know why you are here?

Mr. Tumnus: Because I believe in a free Narnia

Witch stares at him coldly

White Witch: You're here because he *points at me* turned you in...for sweeties. *turns to dwarf and guard* Take him *Tumnus*upstairs and ready my sleigh, Edmund misses his family.

I saw the look of hurt in his eyes and again I felt guilty and stared until they carried him out


Zafira's P.O.V


We walked in a long journey until we came in front of a beautiful sight that shows Narnia is one of the most beautiful place in the entire world

Mr. Beaver: Now Aslan's camp is just over there by the stone table just across the frozen river.

Me: River?

Mrs. Beaver: It's been frozen for 100 years

Peter: It seems so far

Mrs. Beaver: It's the world dear, did you expect it to be small?

Susan: Smaller...

Johnny: come on sis lets go * grabbing my hand and led me to the others*

We continue our journey.

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