Chapter 20

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            Jack walked by the medical bay where Murdar was still healing, glancing in to see if she was awake yet to question however, he saw the room was empty. "Hey! Where's the body?"

Gwen came running over. "She's in there."

"Do you see anyone in there?" He moved out of the way so she could see the empty room. "Go get the others here now!"

"She's probably still here, you're overreacting." Gwen argued.

Jack sighed. "Fine."

"What's going on?" Shylah's sleepy voice asked as she walked in from her temporary bed on the couch.

"Nothing, go back to bed." Jack replied before walking off, he would find the Time Lord on his own.

It didn't take long either; in less than two minutes his rounds brought him to the crypt where the brown haired woman was standing in front of Owen's body. He quietly walked toward her until he was a foot away, still she didn't acknowledge his presence.

"Outcast!" He shouted firmly. "At attention Time Lord!"

This time she did respond, in a robotic movement she turned to face him. Jack was faintly startled to see her eyes were completely black. "The doctor lives."

"What?" Jack asked while glancing behind her at Owen's unmoving corpse.

"The doctor lives." Murdar walked away, the strange trance like expression still on her face.

"The hell?" He followed her as she walked back to the medical bay and fell in a heap on the ground. "Murdar?"

Jack watched as she blinked a few times, her vortex blue and gold eyes stared back at him. "How in the world did I get here?"

"Why don't you tell me what you were just doing?" Jack growled.

"Uh... regenerating after being killed." She got up and backed away from him.

Jack took another step forward for every one she took back. "No, you were saying the doctor lives, explain that."

"I was dead." She gave him a look as if he were crazy. "I wasn't doing anything."

"Your eyes were black." He pressed her for information as he back hit the wall. "Don't lie to me."

"I know nothing." She jumped as a loud clatter came from the other room.

Jack turned and saw Shylah and Gwen rush in. "What was that?"

"Time Lady!" Shylah dropped to the ground. "Duck and cover!"

Jack felt something sink into his knee and looked down to see a thin transparent blade with a ghostly blue glowing veins sticking out of his leg. Looking up he saw a fiery red head with freckles step into the room, an angry glare in her amber eyes.

"Ismia." Murdar glared at the other Time Lady. "How did you get here?"

Jack pulled the weapon out of his leg as he watched them speak. Ismia's disturbing gaze never left Murdar's. "The back door."

"Well then I guess we won't have to show you the way out." She growled.

"I'm not leaving until my job is complete." Ismia took out a gun. "You can't have too many lives left."

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