October 1st

249 10 0

Dear Allen,
Sup dude! Little birdy told me you were captured and in D.C. So, me being the awesome hero I am, I decided to come visit you. But you were asleep. So I left this diary you can write in with this note. Hope you find this really awesome and useful.

Alfred F. Jones (AKA: America)

P.S: By next week, you'll be in my care and Arthur will be over to help. So be nice, dude.

I wish I can punch that fatass American.

Or hit him with my bat.

I'd rather have my bat.

All I was doing was having a friendly fight with my brother Matt. But the police had to show up and arrest me and let Matt go. At least, I believe they let Matt go. He didn't get into the police car with me.

Why am I even writing in this anyway? Fuck this diary. I'm gonna throw it into the corner of my cell.

-Allen J.

Allen's Diary (2P America)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz