November 1

101 6 0

Dear Journal,

Should I be worried? Matt's oversized polar bear is laying on me. He was there when I woke up and I can't get him off. I glance up over this book as I write in it and he's just staring at me with his weird small black eyes. It's kinda freaky when you're smaller then it.

So, I believe I'm in Matt's room in our old house before we found an official house in a quiet neighborhood. So in other words, I'm in a run down apartment building that still has scratches and cigaretts on the floor.

I don't know what to do. Oh. Here comes someone.


Hello, Allie! This is Oliver! Kumajiro brought this to me after Matt kinda dragged you into the house this afternoon. I really hope you're okay after all you went through.

☆ミ Oliver

I want to be big again so I can strangle Matt and Oliver. As soon as I put the period in my last sentence, Matt came in, Kymajiro got up, Matt picked me up and made me drop the journal. He threw ne into the back of his car, which I'm curious to how he got, and we drove to the house I call "Home".

The car ride took all fucking day so I fell asleep. When I woke up it was the middle of the night, I was in my room, with this on my bedside table. Why the hell did Oliver go through my stuff! He looked through my dia- journal! You don't do that.

Well, I'm gonna try and sleep again.


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