October 20th

132 5 0

Dear Journal,

School sucks! Well, the learning part does. It always does. Lunch, on the other hamd, was interesting.

Apparently this school, Bear River, has grades 4-8. And I was shoved into 8th grade. There's a 10 minute break in between 2nd and 3rd period and lunch is about an hour long, I believe. And the last class of the day is about 30 minutes long.

Okay. Here's a quick sum of how my day went.

I was on a bus for 30 minutes until we got to school. And I had to wait 30 more minutes until the classes actually opened up so we could go to homeroom. Random people walked up to me and said how much I looked like someone they knew. And they smiled as if expecting me to respond back. When I got to homeroom, the teacher let me read the student handbook, which I have no reason why I should read it.

First period was American History. I think I know my history, thank you very much. Second was English Language Arts. I had to write a fucking "About Me" essay and read it to the class. The only thing that was true in that thing was my name was Allen and I liked baseball.

Then the 10 minute break. A girl with long blond and brown hair walked up to me and introduced herself as Diana. She said that she saw I was new and wanted to get to know me. I told her to fuck off cause I didn't want to be here.

Third period, math. Most boring fucking thing ever! Fourth period, science. Now that was interesting. We got to make catapults and slung marshmellows at each other.

Then lunch. Diana approached me again, but with a nerdy boy named Ethan. He was at least a bit more interesting to talk to then Diana.

Fifth period, PE. I rocked at it, of course. I was highly disappointed that I had to learn how to play golf though. And sixth period, the 30 minute class, was for whatever reason some sort of Leadership class or something.

The bus ride was crampted, smelly, and annoying. I had to sit next to this fat kid named Wyatte who kept saying he was a "Fat Irish kid." Who was I to argue with him?

Most boring day ever. Tomorrow I have Agriculture Projects instead of PE so, yay?


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