November 12

80 4 0

Dear Journal,

Everyone was talking about some murdurer that someone saw at the graveyard across the street. Yes. There's a large graveyard right across the street of a school. It's creepy looking in the mornings sometimes. And they say it was a murdurer or a grave digger because they were carrying a dead body behind them. Maybe I should go take a look later at the nice graves.


So yeah. I'm writing in this as I walk around the graveyard. There's literally fucking nothing here! There only seems to be graves on the outside edges. Not the inside. Strange, right? Maybe this is a new grave yard and not many people were burried here. Yet.

Oh, today at school, I found my friends. But only because they saw me coming out of my truck. Which I still didn't like that Matt was driving. And apparently, they took the day off yesterday and didn't come to school. Lucky bastards.

So, we got all caught up like friends do, then Ethan shoved a DVD in my face. He said that I have to watch it and was acting like Feliciano (1p Italy) over pasta. Maybe I should leave now and just go home and watch it. Not like I have anything better to do anyway.

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