December 11

71 2 0

Dear Alfred,

Okay yeah. I'm gonna change that. It feels like I'm writing a fucking letter to my idiot counterpart or something.

Anyway, today at school, I was called to the office during lunch. Grace and Ethan followed me for some reason. Maybe they were just curious.

They had a report from Washington, where I apparently was during my weeks of kidnapping. And it included a picture of me and Flavio running out of the burning house. And the report below read:

Teenagers Escape Terrorist Attack

Well, that was one way to describe it.

Two teenagers identified as Flavio Vargas and Allen Jones were seen by a young couple running from the abandoned house on Richardson Street. We have tried to track these two down to see if they can tell us anything, but they have completly disappeared. If anyone happens to find them, please contact us.

Oh hell no am not I being asked questions by officers.

They offered me to talk to the councilor about it during PE. I almost accepted. But we were doing archery with modern compound bows so I wanted to learn that. It's actually a lot harder than an English longbow which is what I learned with. So many extra things you need to do with it.

So yeah. Tomorrow Oliver said he had some sort of surprise for us that's Christmas related in Sacramento.


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