November 11

97 6 1

Dear Journal,

If possible, school was even weirder than I remember. Probably because I couldn't find any of my friends this morning, which I think totally fucking sucks. And also this morning before homeroom, Mattie got into a fight with another older person who was dropping their kid sibling off. It was actually very interesting. I didn't know Matt was stupid enough to think that he was fighting a boy. Even I could tell it was a girl. Guys don't have legs like that, for one.

And once homeroom was over, I heard kids talking about tests, quizzes, and project scores. What happened? Was I really gone for that long? I didn't remember anything about any tests or quizzes.

In history, the teach placed a piece of paper in front of me and told to pick a president to research. All the good ones were taken, so I did William McKinley. I have to do a project on that guy. I swear, he has worse eyebrows then Arthur and Oliver.

In ELA, I had to join a group who was making a board game based off of a book they all apparently read. Seriously, I know I came in the middle of the first trimester or whatever but how much did I fucking miss!

And at break, I may or may not have broken a kid's nose for talking about me behind my back. I don't know if I broke  it or not. All I know is that he was bleeding and cussing like Oliver.

Math, boring as hell. We did math online which made it harder to do.

Science, took notes and talked. About fucking planets. Don't get me wrong, I like our Solar System, just the teacher made it sound so fucking boring!

Lunch, is where weird shit goes down.
First; I realized I didn't bring. So I went to go find my friends and steal from them. Then I was called to the office instead. Oliver apparently noticed I left the lunch he made me on the table. He decided to bring it over.

Oh, how embaracing that girly man is. The plus was I found my friends. They kept commenting on how I was gone for so long. (Because a few days = forever.) It was nice to know I was missed, but seriously? It's not like I died then came back to life. (Which I actually did once. That's another story.)

And when I went to go throw my trash away at the trashcan that was a few yards away. Some girl pounced on me, asking me 20 questions a second. And they were all insultive.

I pushed her away, and she fell because her heels. Was she even aloud to wear those to school? She started crying and I had to hold in my laugh. Then apparently she had a boyfriend. I laugh now because it sounds so cliche. She was the popular girl who loved fashion and her boyfriend was this six foot tall football jock. And this is middle school. I thought this only happened in high school.

To sum it up, I got beat up but I could easily walk it off. I've had worse. And it's only a flesh wound. Nothing more, nothing less.

Oliver then came to pick me up, saying Matt was out job hunting. I asked why the hell was Matt getting a job and Oliver just held out his swear jar and said nothing.

Fun days. I bet funner days are ahead.

P.S. Today was Veteran's Day and we had a mini celebration at our house.


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